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Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS - Console User Guide

Introduction Getting started User or service account management Group management Computer account management Organizational Unit management Contact management Exchange recipient management

Organizational Unit management

Organizational Units (OUs) are containers in Active Directory. OUs can contain user accounts, groups, computer accounts, and other OUs. An object can be included in only one OU.

When you expand the Active Directory node in the Active Roles Console, the Console tree displays icons representing domains. You can double-click a domain icon to see containers that are defined in the domain. OUs are marked with the following icon:

When you select an OU in the Console tree, the details pane lists objects included in the OU, and the Action menu provides commands to create new objects in the OU, search for objects in the OU, and manage OU properties.

The following section guides you through the Active Roles Console to manage Organizational Units. You can also use the Active Roles Web Interface to perform management tasks on Organizational Units.

Creating an Organizational Unit

To create a new OU, in the Console tree, right-click the domain or another OU, select New > Organizational Unit, then follow the instructions in the wizard.

On the first page of the wizard, type the name for the new OU in the Name box. If necessary, select or clear the Protect container from accidental deletion check box. Click Next and then click Finish to complete the operation.

By selecting the Protect container from accidental deletion check box you ensure that the newly created OU cannot be deleted, whether using Active Roles or other tools for Active Directory administration. When somebody attempts to delete an OU for which this check box is selected, the operation returns an error indicating that access is denied. For an existing OU, you can view or change this setting on the Object tab in the Properties dialog.

How to create an Organizational Unit

You can create new Active Directory Organizational Units (OUs) with the Active Roles Console.

To create an Organizational Unit

  1. In the Console tree, locate and select the folder in which you want to add the OU.

  2. Right-click the folder, point to New and click Organizational Unit to start the New Object - Organizational Unit wizard.

  3. Follow the wizard pages to specify properties of the new OU, such as the name of the OU.

  4. If you want to set values for additional properties (those for which the wizard pages do not provide data entries), click Edit Attributes on the completion page of the wizard.

  5. After setting any additional properties, click Finish on the completion page of the wizard.

NOTE: To create an OU, you can also click the domain node or folder in which you want to add the OU, then click on the toolbar.

Finding an Organizational Unit

To find an Organizational Unit, select the domain you want to search, and click Find. In the Find window, select Organizational Units from the Find list, specify your search criteria, and start the search. In the search results list, you can right-click Organizational Units and use commands on the shortcut menu to perform management tasks.

For step-by-step instructions on how to search for Organizational Units, see Searching for an Organizational Unit.

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