Configuring a Save Object Properties activity
When you configure a Save Object Properties activity, you can specify the rules for selecting the object whose properties you want the activity to save, and list the properties for the activity to save. Additional options are available, such as notification and error handling.
To configure a Save Object Properties activity
In the Active Roles Console tree, expand Configuration > Policies > Workflow, and select the workflow containing the Save Object Properties activity you want to configure.
This opens the Workflow Designer in the Details pane, representing the workflow definition as a process diagram.
In the process diagram, right-click the name of the activity and click Properties.
Navigate to the Activity target tab in the “Save Object Properties” Activity Properties dialog.
Click in the Activity saves properties of this object box to specify the object whose properties you want the activity to save. This object is referred to as activity target. You can choose from the following options to specify the activity target:
Workflow target object: In a change workflow, the activity target is the target object of the request that started the workflow. For example, in a workflow that starts upon a deletion request, this choice causes the activity to save the properties of the object whose deletion is requested.
Fixed object in directory: The activity target is a particular object you select from Active Directory.
Object identified by workflow parameter: The activity target is the object specified by the value of a certain parameter of the workflow. You can choose the desired parameter from the workflow definition.
Object from workflow data context: The activity target will be selected by the activity on the basis of the data found in the workflow environment at the time of running the workflow. You can specify which object you want the activity to select at workflow execution time.
Object identified by DN-value rule expression: The Distinguished Name (DN) of the activity target is specified by the string value of a certain rule expression. By using a rule expression, you can compose a string value based on properties of various objects found in the workflow environment at the time of running the workflow. You can create the desired rule expression when you configure the activity.
Navigate to the Target properties tab in the “Save Object Properties” Activity Properties dialog.
Configure the list of the properties you want the activity to save:
To add a property to the list, click Add, and then select the name of the desired property.
To remove a property from the list, click the name of the property in the list, and then click Remove.
The Workflow Designer provides a default list of properties. You can remove all properties from the list by clicking Clear list or revert to the default list by clicking Restore default.
Navigate to the Notification tab in the “Save Object Properties” Activity Properties dialog to view or change notification settings. For more information, see Configuring a notification for a CRUD activity.
Navigate to the Error handling tab in the “Save Object Properties” Activity Properties dialog to view or change error handling settings. For more information, see Configuring error handling for a CRUD activity.
Configuring a Modify Requested Changes activity
When you configure a Modify Requested Changes activity, you can define the property changes to add or remove from the change request. You can choose the properties you want the activity to change and, for each property, choose to remove the property from the request, clear the property value in the request, or specify the new value to be assigned to that property. For a multi-value property, you can choose to add or remove a value from that property. Additional options are available such as notification, error handling, changing the container where to create new objects, and adding or removing Active Roles controls from change requests.
To configure a Modify Requested Changes activity
In the Active Roles Console tree, expand Configuration > Policies > Workflow, and select the change workflow containing the Modify Requested Changes activity you want to configure.
This opens the Workflow Designer in the Details pane, representing the workflow definition as a process diagram.
In the process diagram, right-click the name of the activity and click Properties.
Navigate to the Target changes tab in the “Modify Requested Changes” Activity Properties dialog.
Configure the list of the properties you want the activity to modify:
To add a property to the list, click Add property, and then select the desired property.
To remove a property from the list, click Delete labeled X on the right side of the list item representing that property.
After you have added a property, click in the Action field to specify the type of the changes you want the activity to make to that property:
Click Set to have the activity assign a new value to the property.
Click Clear to have the activity remove the property from the object.
In case of a multi-value property, click Add value or Remove value for the activity to add or remove the value of the property.
Click Remove from request if you want the workflow not to apply the changes to the property that were specified in the request that started the workflow.
If an action other than Clear or Remove from request is selected, click in the Value filed to specify the property value you want the activity to set, add or remove. The following options are available:
Text string: Use the given string of characters as the value of the property. You can type the desired string.
Property of workflow target object: Use the value of a certain property of the target object of the request that started the workflow. You can select the desired property from a list of object properties.
Property of workflow initiator: Use the value of a certain property of the user whose request started the workflow. You can select the desired property from a list of object properties.
Changed value of workflow target object property: Use the value that is requested to be assigned to a certain property of the workflow target object. You can select the desired property from a list of object properties.
Workflow parameter value: Use the value of a certain parameter of the workflow. You can choose the desired parameter from a list of the workflow parameters.
Property of object from workflow data context: Use the value of a certain property of the object that will be selected by the activity on the basis of the data found in the workflow run-time environment. You can choose the desired property and specify which object you want the activity to select at workflow run time.
Value generated by rule expression: Use the string value of a certain rule expression. You can configure a rule expression to compose a string value based on properties of various objects found in the workflow run-time environment.
Navigate to the Notification tab in the “Modify Requested Changes” Activity Properties dialog to view or change notification settings. For more information, see Configuring a notification for a CRUD activity.
Navigate to the Error handling tab in the “Modify Requested Changes” Activity Properties dialog to view or change error handling settings. For more information, see Configuring error handling for a CRUD activity.
Click the Additional settings link at the bottom of the “Modify Requested Changes” Activity Properties dialog.
In the Additional Settings dialog that appears, you can configure the activity to:
Add or remove Active Roles controls from the request. To add or change a control, click Add or Change, and then, in the dialog that appears, specify the name and, if applicable, the value of the control. If you want the activity to add the control to the request, click Include this control in the change request. If you want to ensure that the control never occurs in the request, click Exclude this control from the change request.
Controls can be used to pass additional information to Active Roles on how to process the request.
Enabling or disabling an activity
Temporarily disabling an activity may be useful when the workflow is under construction so the workflow definition is not finalized and the activity should not run until a certain time.
To disable an activity or enable a disabled activity
In the Active Roles Console tree, select the workflow definition to display the workflow as a process diagram.
In the process diagram, right-click the activity and click Disable or Enable, respectively.
While an activity is disabled in a given workflow, Active Roles skips that activity when running that workflow. When you enable a disabled activity in a given workflow, you allow Active Roles to run that activity when running that workflow.
Enabling or disabling a workflow
Temporarily disabling a workflow may be useful when the workflow is under construction so the workflow definition is not finalized and the activities included in the workflow should not run until a certain time.
To disable a workflow or enable a disabled workflow
While a workflow is disabled, Active Roles does not run any activities included in that workflow regardless of the workflow start conditions. When you enable a disabled workflow, you allow Active Roles to run the activities included in that workflow.