Loads all files of the HTML Development machine role from the database and saves them in a local file.
Login parameters:
Optional parameter:
/conndialog <Option>: Specifies whether a login window is displayed for the database connection. The following options are possible:
off: The login window is not shown. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
show: The login window is shown (even is a database is already connected) and the new connection replaces the old one.
fallback (default): The current database connection is used. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
/factory <target system>: Specifies the target system for the connection. Enter this parameter if you want to establish a connection to the application server. Example: QBM.AppServer.Client.
/path <path to target folder>: Enter the path to the folder in which you want to save the files. If you do not enter anything here, the current directory is used.
/targets <target1;target2;...>: Specifies which machine roles you want to use. If you leave this empty, the HTML Development machine role is used.
Related topics
Saves files that you have changed locally back to the database.
Login parameters:
Mandatory parameter:
Optional parameter:
/conndialog <Option>: Specifies whether a login window is displayed for the database connection. The following options are possible:
off: The login window is not shown. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
show: The login window is shown (even is a database is already connected) and the new connection replaces the old one.
fallback (default): The current database connection is used. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
/factory <target system>: Specifies the target system for the connection. Enter this parameter if you want to establish a connection to the application server. Example: QBM.AppServer.Client.
/path <path to the folder>: Specifies the directory where the altered files are kept that will now be saved in the database.
/tag <uid>: Specifies the UID of a change tag.
/add <file1;file2;...>: Specifies which new database files are added. Use relative paths.
/del <file1;file2;...>: Specifies which database files are deleted. Use relative paths.
-C: Prevents the saving of changed files and saves only new files, and deletes files from the database.
Related topics
Queries the compilation status of the API in the database.
Login parameters:
Optional parameter:
/conndialog <Option>: Specifies whether a login window is displayed for the database connection. The following options are possible:
off: The login window is not shown. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
show: The login window is shown (even is a database is already connected) and the new connection replaces the old one.
fallback (default): The current database connection is used. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
/factory <target system>: Specifies the target system for the connection. Enter this parameter if you want to establish a connection to the application server. Example: QBM.AppServer.Client.
/branch <compilation branch ID>: Queries the compilation status of the API saved under this compilation branch.
/htmlapp <name of the HTML package>: Returns data for the specified HTML package.
-D: Returns data for debug assemblies.
-R: Returns data for release assemblies.
Related topics
Compares the local file structure with the file structure in the database.
Using the QBM | ImxClient | get-filestate | NewFilesExcludePatterns configuration parameter, you can define which files are excluded from the synchronization. This prevents excessive load during synchronization. The node_modules and imx-modules folders are excluded from the synchronization by default.
You can adjust this parameter in the . Use the following formats when defining the rules:
Use the | character to separate multiple entries.
NOTE: This configuration parameter is generally only used to exclude new files from the synchronization. Files that already exist in the database are not taken into account.
Login parameters:
Optional parameter:
/conndialog <Option>: Specifies whether a login window is displayed for the database connection. The following options are possible:
off: The login window is not shown. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
show: The login window is shown (even is a database is already connected) and the new connection replaces the old one.
fallback (default): The current database connection is used. If the database is not connected, an attempt is made to establish a connection.
/factory <target system>: Specifies the target system for the connection. Enter this parameter if you want to establish a connection to the application server. Example: QBM.AppServer.Client.
/targets <target1;target2;...>: Specifies which machine roles you want to use. If you leave this empty, the HTML Development machine role is used.
/path <path to the folder>: Specifies the directory where the files you want to compare are kept. If you do not enter anything here, the current directory is used.
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