After you have entered the master data, you can run the following tasks.
After you have entered the master data, you can run the following tasks.
Use this task to obtain an overview of the most important information about an assignment resource. For this, you need to take into account the affiliation of the assignment resource to IT Shop structures.
To obtain an overview of a service item
In the Manager, select the Entitlements | Assignment resource for IT Shop category.
Select the assignment resource in the result list.
Select the Assignment resource overview task.
An assignment resource can be requested by shop customers when it is assigned to an IT Shop shelf.
To add a resource assignment to the IT Shop
In the Manager, select the Entitlements | Assignment resource for IT Shop category.
Select the assignment resource in the result list.
Select the Add to IT Shop task.
In the Add assignments pane, assign the assignment resource to the IT Shop shelves.
To remove an assignment resource from all IT Shop shelves.
Select the Entitlements | Assignment resource for IT Shop category.
Select the assignment resource in the result list.
Select the Add to IT Shop task.
In the Remove assignments pane, remove the assignment resource from the IT Shop shelves.
To remove an assignment resource from all IT Shop shelves.
Select the Entitlements | Assignment resource for IT Shop category.
Select the assignment resource in the result list.
Select the Remove from all shelves (IT Shop) task.
Click OK.
The One Identity Manager Service removes the assignment resource from all shelves. All assignment requests with this assignment resource are canceled in the process.
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