View Azure Licenses Report

Azure Licenses Report displays the Office 365 licenses that are available and assigned to a user.

To view the Azure AD licenses report

  1. On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
  2. On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Azure | Azure Configuration | Azure Licenses Report. Select the Tenant name from the Tenant list drop down for which you want to view the Azure License Report

    The Azure Licenses Report wizard displays the list of Office 365 licenses available for the Azure AD domain. For each license the following information is displayed:

    • Valid – The total number of a specific license available for the Azure AD domain.
    • Expired – The number of licenses of a specific license type that are in renewal period or have expired.
    • Assigned – The number of licenses of a specific license type that have been assigned to any users in the domain.