Role management allows you to assign additional role eligibilities to roles in Azure Active Directory partial scopes. These role eligibilities can be enabled by the assigned principal as required.
To assign a role eligibility to a role
- In Manager, select the category Azure Active Directory > Roles.
- Select the role in the result list.
- Select the Add or remove role eligibilities task.
- Click Add and enter the following information.
- Principal: The main principal, such as a group or single user, whose scope should be assigned access.
- Application scope: The application scope for which the principal should be given access.
- OR -
Directory scope: The directory scope for which the principal should be given access. - Enter Permanent if it is a permanent assignment.
- Start time: The time at which the role eligibility is assigned.
- End time: The time at which the role eligibility expires.
NOTE: Select Permanent, disables the End time entry.
- Valid from: The role eligibility is valid from this point on.
- Valid until: The role eligibility is expired from at this point on.
- Specify whether this assignment is a Direct assignment.
NOTES: The Indirect assignment and Assignment request options are set by processes and cannot be set manually.
- Request procedure: References the request procedure that results in the assignment.