Script library for synchronization projects
You can apply scripts at various points in the ; for example, when defining the schema properties, in the object filter, or when you define data operations for system connections through the . For each synchronization project, you can build a separate script library. The scripts in these script libraries can be used everywhere where scripts are implemented in the synchronization configuration. You can create and maintain scripts centrally that are required for defining different synchronization configuration components.
You can import scripts into other synchronization projects. Scripts that are used in different synchronization projects are labeled as script . The script templates are only maintained in one synchronization project. You can transfer any modification to other synchronization projects as required.
NOTE: Scripts from the One Identity Manager script library are not available in the ‘s script library. For more information about the One Identity Manager script library, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.
To display a synchronization project’s script library
- In the Synchronization Editor, open the synchronization project.
- Select the Configuration > Script library category.
Detailed information about this topic
Views in the script library
The ‘s script library has two views. The Scripts view provides an overview of all general properties of the scripts. The scripts are edited in the Editor view.
Script views
This lists all the scripts in the script library with all their general properties. You can update scripts that were created from script .
Table 75: Icons in the script view
Create a new script. |
Edit the selected script’s general properties. |
Deletes the selected script. |
Imports scripts from other . |
Updates scripts with changes from script templates. |
Table 76: General properties of scripts
Script |
Name of script. |
Description |
Text field for additional explanation. |
type that the script is used on. |
Is template |
Script can be used as a template for other synchronization projects. |
Uses template |
Script was imported from another script template. |
Updates available |
Script template used as basis for the script has changed. |
Updates differences |
Shows the changes to the script template. |
Updates apply |
Updates the script with the changes from the script template. |
Editor view
Show the code of the selected script. It can be edited and compiled. For more information, see Support for scripting.
Table 77: Icons in the editor view
Saves changes to the script. |
Compiles all the scripts in the script library.
Script was compiled without errors.
Script contains syntax errors.
Detailed information about this topic
Adding scripts to script libraries
To add scripts to the ‘s script library, create the scripts directly in the script library or take them from . You can import all scripts into other .
To add a script to the script library
Open the script library.
In the Scripts view, click Add.
Enter the script’s general main data.
Name: Unique script name.
: type that the script is applied to.
Description: Text field for additional explanation.
Is : Specifies whether the script can be used as a template for other synchronization projects.
In the Editor view, edit the script.
For more information, see Support for scripting.
- Click OK.
To import a script
Open the script library.
In the Scripts view, click Import.
Select the script to import.
This saves a copy of the script that you can to fit the project.
To copy script properties from other scripts
Select the Mappings category.
Select a mapping in the navigation view.
Double-click on the schema property in the schema view.
In the Edit property dialog, click Move to script library.
- Confirm the security prompt with Yes.
- Click OK.
This saves a new script in the script library. The name of the script is taken from the technical name of the schema type and the name of the schema property. This script contains a read-only schema property script as well as a write-only schema property script.
Related topics
Editing scripts in the script library
To edit a script’s main data
Open the script library.
Select the script in the Script view.
Click Edit.
Edit the script’s general main data.
Name: Unique script name.
: type that the script is applied to.
Description: Text field for additional explanation.
Is : Specifies whether the script can be used as a template for other .
- Click OK.
To edit the script
Open the script library.
Select the script in the Script view.
Edit the script in the Editor view.
For more information, see Support for scripting.
To compile the script.
Open the script library.
Select a script in the Script view.
In the Editor view, click Compile.
This compiles all the scripts in the scrip library.
To remove a script from the scrip library.
Open the script library.
Select the script in the Script view.
Click Delete.
- Confirm the security prompt with Yes.
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