The following settings are configured for the system connection with the Exchange Online connector.

Table 26: Exchange Online connector settings



User name

Fully qualified name (FQDN) of the user account and password for logging in to Exchange Online.




Variable: CP_Username


The user account’s password.

Variable: CP_Password


Internal name of the cloud deployment.

Default value: O365Default

Variable: CP_ExchangeEnvironmentName

Organization name

Azure Active Directory name of the domain for logging in to Azure Active Directory.



Variable: CP_Organization

Use local server time for the revision

Revision filtering data

If the value is True, the local server time of the server is used for revision filtering. (default) This makes it unnecessary to load target system object for determining the revision. If the value is false, the change time stamp of the underlying Azure Active Directory objects are used for revision filtering.

Variable: CP_UseLocalServerTimeAsRevision

Max. time difference (local/remote) in minutes

Revision filtering data

Defines the maximum time difference in minutes between the synchronization server and the Exchange Online server. The default value is 60 minutes. If the time difference is more than 60 minutes, alter the value.

Variable: CP_LocalServerRevisionMaxDifferenceInMinutes

Max. concurrent connections

Maximum number of connections that can be used concurrently. The value must be between 1 and 20.

Default value: 2

Variable: CP_ConnectionPoolSize

Definition of PowerShell commands

You can use this setting to adjust the definition used by the connector in order to convert inputs and outputs between the Exchange Online Cmdlets and the schema of the Synchronization Engine.

IMPORTANT: You should only make changes to the connector definition with the help of support desk staff. Changes to this setting will have wide ranging effects on synchronization and must be made carefully.

Application ID

Application ID created when the application is registered for Exchange Online PowerShell in the Azure Active Directory tenant.

Certificate thumbprint

Self-signed certificate thumbprint.