Perform the following steps to uninstall the web application.
To uninstall a web application
Launch autorun.exe from the root directory of the One Identity Manager installation medium.
On the start page of the installation wizard:
Change to the Installation tab.
In the Web-based components pane, click Install.
This starts the Web Installer.
On the Web Installer start page, click Uninstall a web application and click Next.
On the Uninstall a web application page, double-click the application that you want to remove.
icon is displayed in front of the application.
Click Next.
On the Database connection page, select the database connection and authentication method and enter the corresponding login data.
Click Next.
Confirm the security prompt with Yes.
The uninstall progress is displayed on the Setup is running page.
Once installation is complete, click Next.
On the Wizard complete page, click Finish.
Close the autorun program.
Manager functionality can be provided by web applications. Before installation ensure that the minimal hardware and software prerequisites are fulfilled on the server.
Detailed information about this topic
One Identity Manager requires each web application to be defined in one language. If you wish to publish an application in two languages, you must install two separate applications. Web Installer installs one application per language by default.
You can define a language pool for these applications if several application are running at once. If a user calls up a web application from the language pool, they are automatically diverted to the web application that matches their language. It is, therefore, not important to declare all the web application URLs in the language pool.
This mechanism also allows you to achieve simple load balancing.
IMPORTANT: Start the Manager web application installation on the server.
To install the Manager web application
Launch autorun.exe from the root directory of the One Identity Manager installation medium.
On the installation wizard's home page, perform the following actions:
Change to the Installation tab.
In the Web-based components section, click Install.
Starts the Web Installer.
On the start page of the Web Installer, select Install Manager web application and click Next.
On the Database connection page, do the following:
TIP: It is recommended to establish a connection through the application server.
To use an existing connection to the One Identity Manager database, select it in the Select a database connection drop-down.
- OR -
To create a new connection to the One Identity Manager database, click Add new connection and enter a new connection.
Under Authentication method, specify the method and login data you would like to use.
On the Installation source page in the Installation source section, specify where to find the installation data.
To retrieve the installation data from the database, activate the Database option.
to retrieve the installation data from the installation media (for example, from the hard drive), activate the File system option and enter the path.
Configure the following settings on the Select setup target page.
Table 29: Settings for the installation target
Application name |
Enter the name to use in the browser as the application name. |
Target in IIS |
Select the website on the Internet Information Services where the application is installed. |
Enforce SSL |
Specifies whether secure or insecure websites are available to install.
If the option is set, only sites secured by SSL can be used for installing. This setting is the default value.
If this option is not set, insecure websites can be used for installing. |
Enter the application's URL. |
Install dedicated application pool |
Enable this option if you want to install a separate application pool for each application. This allows applications to be set up independently of one another. If this option is set, each application is installed in its own application pool. |
Application pool |
Select the application pool to use. This can only be entered if the Install dedicated application pool option is not set.
If you use the DefaultAppPool default value, the application pool has the following syntax:
<application name>_POOL |
Identity |
Specify the permissions for implementing the application pool. You can use a default identity or a custom user account.
If you use the ApplicationPoolIdentity default value, the user account has the following syntax:
IIS APPPOOL\<application name>_POOL
You can authorize another user by clicking ... next to the box, enabling the option Custom account and entering the user and password. |
Assign file permissions for application pool identity |
Specify whether the identity that the application pool was running with obtains the file permissions. |
Web authentication |
Specify which type of authentication to use against the web application. You have the following options:
Windows authentication (single sign-on)
The user is authenticated against the Internet Information Services using their Windows user account and the web application logs in the identity assigned to the user account as role-based. If single sign-on is not possible, the user is diverted to a login page. You can only select this authentication method if Windows authentication is installed.
Login is possible without Windows authentication. The user is authenticated against the Internet Information Services and the web application anonymously, and the web application is directed to a login page. |
Database authentication |
NOTE: You can only see this section if you have selected an SQL database connection on the Database connection page.
Specify which type of authentication to use against the One Identity Manager database. You have the following options:
Windows authentication
The web application is authenticated against the One Identity Manager database with the same Windows user account that your application pool uses. Login is possible with a user-defined user account or a default identity for the application pool.
SQL authentication
Authentication is completed using an SQL login and password. The SQL login used is from the database connection. Use the [...] button to enter a different SQL login, for example, if the application is run with a access level for end users. This access data is saved in the web application configuration as computer specific encrypted. |
Specify other application specific settings on the Configuration page.
Select the language of the application from the Language drop-down. The language influences how dates and numbers displayed amongst other things.
The web application requires access permissions to itself. If you selected the Windows authentication (single sign-on) authentication type as web authentication, enter the domain, user account, and password for the user. For anonymous web authentication, no further entries are required.
Specify the user account for automatic updating on the Set update credentials page. The user account is used to add or replace files in the application directory.
Use IIS credentials for update: Set this option to use the user account under which the application pool is run for the updates.
Use other credentials for updates: To use a different user account, set this option. Specify the domain, the user name, and the user password.
Installation progress is displayed on the Setup is running page. Once installation is complete, click Next.
Click Finish on the last page to end the program.
NOTE: The Web Installer generates both the web application and the appsettings.json configuration file. The Web Installer uses default values for the configuration settings. You can keep these values. It is recommended you check the settings with the help of the App Configuration Editor. You will find the appsettings.json configuration file in the web application installation directory in the Internet Information Services.
The Manager web application is accessed over a browser.
Use the appropriate URL for this:
http://<server name>/<application name>
https://<server>/<application name>