Query parameter are appended to the URL with a question mark (?) or an ampersand (&).
The first query parameter must be prefixed by a question mark. In this case, you must use the following format:
?parameter name=parameter value (for example, ?orderBy=LastName)
Subsequent query parameters must be prefixed by an ampersand. In this case, you must use the following format:
¶meter name=parameter value (for example, ?sortOrder=ascending)
NOTE: Unknown query parameters are rejected by the server with error code 400. This also affects query parameters with incorrect upper and lower case spelling.
https://<host name>/AppServer/portal/person?orderBy=LastName
The status a session is saved in a cookie. This cookie contains an encrypted security token which is used to restore a login to the API Server if the API Server was restarted in the mean time. The security token is cryptographically signed by the certificate selected on installation.
NOTE: If the API Server's current user restarts the browser, the cookie and its session information are reset.
Detailed information about this topic
You can use the imx/sessions/<API project name> API method to query the status of the session. The response contains the following information:
In web applications, every session has two language-specific properties: display language and formatting language.
Display language
The display language specifies the language in which web application texts are shown.
Formatting language
The formatting language specifies the format of numerical data (e.g. numbers and dates).
Finding the language
To determine the display language, the following priority list is worked through for each API request until the first step that returns a usable language is found:
person.UID_DialogCulture language of the logged in identity
Language of the client's language preference: First value of the Accept-Language HTTP header
Fallback: Thread.CurrentUICulture of the web application thread
Fallback: en-US
The formatting language is determined as follows:
person.UID_DialogCultureFormat language of the logged in identity
Language of the client's language preference: First value of the Accept-Language HTTP header
Fallback: Thread.CurrentCulture of the web application thread
Fallback: display language
In the API Server, the CulturePlugIn is responsible for assigning the correct languages for each request. The languages are set in the LanguageManager class and apply both to the current thread and to asynchronously called tasks.
The data evaluation of the logged in identity is implemented by the QER.CompositionApi.Person.SetSessionCulture plugin.