Application role attestation
When you use the Application role membership attestation default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the Application role membership attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of application roles through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership configuration parameter. After attestation approval has been denied, One Identity Manager checks which type of assignment was used for the user account to become a member in the application role.
Table 48: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveDirectRole |
The employee's secondary membership is removed from the application role.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role. Membership in dynamic roles is not removed in this process. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveRequestedRole |
If the employee requested the application role through the IT Shop, the request is canceled or unsubscribed.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role.
Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveDelegatedRole |
If the application role was delegated to the employee, delegation is canceled or unsubscribed.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role.
Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveDynamicRole |
The employee is excluded from the application role's dynamic role.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role. This does not remove memberships in the application role that were created in another way. |
Business role attestation
Installed modules: |
Business Roles Module |
When you use the Business role membership attestation default attestation policy and have set up attestation policies with the Business role membership attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of business roles through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | RoleMembership configuration parameter. After attestation approval has been denied, One Identity Manager checks which type of assignment was used for the user account to become a member in the business role.
Table 49: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | RoleMembership | RemoveDirectRole |
The employee's secondary membership in the business role is removed.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this business role. Membership in dynamic roles is not removed by this. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | RoleMembership | RemoveRequestedRole |
If the employee requested the business role through the IT Shop, the request is canceled or unsubscribed.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this business role.
Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | RoleMembership | RemoveDelegatedRole |
If the business role was delegated to the employee, delegation is canceled or unsubscribed.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this business role.
Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements. |
QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | RoleMembership | RemoveDynamicRole |
The employee is excluded from the business role's dynamic role.
This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this business role. This does not remove memberships in the business role that were created in another way. |
User attestation and recertification
Use the One Identity Manager attestation functionality to regularly check and authorize employees' main data and target system entitlements and assignments. In addition, One Identity Manager provides default procedures for managers to quickly attest and certify the main data of newly added One Identity Manager users in the One Identity Manager database. This functionality can be used, for example, if external employees, such as contract workers, are provided with temporary access to the One Identity Manager. The sequence is different for internal and external employees.
Regular recertification can be run through scheduled tasks.
In the context of an attestation, a manager can check and update the main data of the user to be certified, if necessary. Use the Web Portal for attestation.
Detailed information about this topic
One Identity Manager users for attesting and recertifying users
The following users are used for attesting and recertifying employees.
Table 50: Users
Employee administrators |
Employee administrators must be assigned to the Identity Management | Employees| Administrators application role.
Users with this application role:
Can edit main data for all employees
Assign managers to employees.
Can assign company resources to employees.
Check and authorize employee main data.
Create and edit risk index functions.
Edit password policies for employee passwords
Delete employee's security keys (WebAuthn)
Can see everyone's requests and delegations and edit delegations in Web Portal. |
Manager |
- Check employee main data of the internal user to be certified.
- Update employee main data as required.
- Assign another manager if required.
- Attests the main data.
Attestors for external users |
Attestors for external users must be assigned to the Identity & Access Governance | Attestation | Attestors for external users application role.
Users with this application role:
Administrators for attestation cases |
Administrators must be assigned to the Identity & Access Governance | Attestation | Administrators application role.
Users with this application role:
Web Portal users |
- Log on to the Web Portal and enter their main data,
Self-registered employees |
External employees, who have self-registered in the Web Portal, are assigned to the Base roles | Self-registered employees application role through a dynamic role.
Users with this application role:
- Specify their password and password questions for logging in to One Identity Manager tools.