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Identity Manager 9.2 - Web Designer and Web Portal Changes

One Identity Manager
Compiling web projects with customizations Updating web applications Changes in Web Designer and in Web Portal 8.0 Changes in Web Designer and in Web Portal 7.1 Changes in Web Designer and in Web Portal 7.0

General changes

Change of UI component library

This version of the Web Portal ships without the Quest User Interface (QUI) framework.

While QUI was never part of the public API surface and was not intended to be called directly, any custom code that does call the QUI API must be rewritten.

Hyper Views

The contents of a Hyper View have historically been defined as Web Designer components (e.g. VI_Common_HyperView_Person). Because this has been the causes for code duplication and inconsistencies, the definition stored in the DialogTree table is now used directly for all Hyper Views displayed in the Web Portal. The definitions within the Web Designer components have been deleted.

However, the components themselves still exist. Any extensions should work as before. However, it is strongly recommended that you re-test any existing extension to Hyper View components.

Customizing CSS

The component VI_Styles_RendererSettings_Default stores most of the default CSS code. This component has changed as a consequence of product rebranding and the implementation of the mobile layout. Specifically, a lot of new CSS code supports mobile devices.

If you have a custom copy of this component, it is strongly recommended that you delete this custom copy and re-implement the changes using extensions.

As a general rule, this component should never be replaced, but only extended.

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