NOTE: All editing options are also available in the Designer under Base Data > Installation > Job server.
The following properties are displayed for Job servers.
NOTE: More properties may be available depending on which modules are installed.
Property |
Meaning |
Server |
Job server name. |
Full server name |
Full server name in accordance with DNS syntax. Syntax: <Name of servers>.<Fully qualified domain name> |
Target system |
Computer account target system. |
Language |
Language of the server. |
Server is cluster |
Specifies whether the server maps a cluster. |
Server belongs to cluster |
Cluster to which the server belongs. NOTE: The Server is cluster and Server belongs to cluster properties are mutually exclusive. |
IP address (IPv6) |
Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) server address. |
IP address (IPv4) |
Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) server address. |
Copy process (source server) |
Permitted copying methods that can be used when this server is the source of a copy action. At present, only copy methods that support the Robocopy and rsync programs are supported. If no method is given, the One Identity Manager Service determines the operating system of the server during runtime. Replication is then performed with the Robocopy program between servers with a Windows operating system or with the rsync program between servers with a Linux operating system. If the operating systems of the source and destination servers differ, it is important that the right copy method is applied for successful replication. A copy method is chosen that supports both servers. |
Copy process (target server) |
Permitted copying methods that can be used when this server is the destination of a copy action. |
Coding |
Character set coding that is used to write files to the server. |
Parent Job server |
Name of the parent Job server. |
Executing server |
Name of the executing server. The name of the server that exists physically and where the processes are handled. This input is evaluated when the One Identity Manager Service is automatically updated. If the server is handling several queues, the process steps are not supplied until all the queues that are being processed on the same server have completed their automatic update. |
Queue |
Name of the queue to handle the process steps. The process steps are requested by the Job queue using this queue identifier. The queue identifier is entered in the One Identity Manager Service configuration file. |
Server operating system |
Operating system of the server. This input is required to resolve the path name for replicating software profiles. The values Win32, Windows, Linux, and Unix are permitted. If no value is specified, Win32 is used. |
Service account data |
One Identity Manager Service user account information. In order to replicate between non-trusted systems (non-trusted domains, Linux server), the One Identity Manager Service user information has to be declared for the servers in the database. This means that the service account, the service account domain, and the service account password have to be entered for the server. |
One Identity Manager Service installed |
Specifies whether a One Identity Manager Service is installed on this server. This option is enabled by the QBM_PJobQueueLoad procedure the moment the queue is called for the first time. The option is not automatically removed. If necessary, you can reset this option manually for servers whose queue is no longer enabled. |
Stop One Identity Manager Service |
Specifies whether the One Identity Manager Service has stopped. If this option is set for the Job server, the One Identity Manager Service does not process any more tasks. You can make the service start and stop with the appropriate administrative permissions in the Job Queue Info program. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Process Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide. |
Paused due to unavailability of a target system |
Specifies whether task processing for this queue has been stopped because the target system that uses this Job server as a synchronization server is temporarily unavailable. As soon as the target system is available again, processing starts and all outstanding tasks are performed. For more information about offline mode, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide. |
No automatic software update |
Specifies whether to exclude the server from automatic software updating. NOTE: Servers must be manually updated if this option is set. |
Software update running |
Specifies whether a software update is currently running. |
Server function |
Server functionality in One Identity Manager. One Identity Manager processes are handled with respect to the server function. |