add_OneIM_managers_to_approver_role |
Add OneIM Managers to ServiceNow's approver_user role so that they would be able to approve the ServiceNow request assigned to them? (true | false) |
compliance_officer |
The group of the compliance officers which will approve, if a request would lead to a SoD conflict. |
delta_load_data_from_oneim_server_persons |
If true, loads employee data from One Identity Manager to ServiceNow during a delta sync . |
delta_xdateupdated_accproductgroup |
Highest XDateUpdated for Service Categories entities, to be used for the next delta run. This value is automatically calculated and set after each Full / Delta synchronization. |
delta_xdateupdated_person |
Highest XDateUpdated date for Person entities from the last synchronization. To be used for the next delta run. This value is automatically calculated and set after each Full / Delta synchronization. |
fallback_approver |
The approval is sent to the fallback approver group if no manager is available . |
job_execution_status |
Background Job execution status (Ready/Running). Ready implies the job is not executing and Running implies job is executing. |
job_load_data_from_oneim_server_delta_load |
Scheduled Job: Perform delta load from One Identity Manager during scheduled run? (true | false) |
job_load_data_from_oneim_server_full_load |
Scheduled Job: Perform full load from One Identity Manager? (true | false) |
log_level |
Info = show info, warning, and error log messages debug = show info, warning, error, and debug log messages warn = show error and warning log messages error = show error log messages only |
oneim_api_retrythreshold |
The number of times the retry mechanism should be executed in case of failures. |
oneim_request_validity_default |
IT Shop request validity. If the validity fields (valid from and valid until) are empty, the validity will be set to default validity (in days). |
oneim_rest_endpoint_url |
REST API Endpoint to the One Identity Manager Application Server |
oneim_rest_pagelimit |
The number of items that can be fetched per page during the API call to One Identity Manager App Server. |
oneim_rest_password |
Password of the service user for the REST API's Endpoint of the One Identity Manager Application Server. |
oneim_rest_username |
Username of the service user of REST API's Endpoint to the One Identity Manager Application Server |
oneim_to_servicenow_user_matching_attribute |
This attribute is used to configure an alternate property other than central account that can be used to match the Person to sysusers in ServiceNow. This is an optional attribute. |
oneim_xml_max_childNode_search_count |
Maximum number child nodes to search for a match in a xml document |
delta_load_data_from_oneim_server_service_categories |
If true, loads service categories data from One Identity Manager to ServiceNow during a delta sync. |
perform_manager_approval |
This parameter is used to determine ServiceNow request raised by the user should be approved by the manager or not. If set to true, request raised should be approved by the manager. If set to false, request raised need not be approved by the manager. (true | false) |
manager_approval_authoritative_source |
Determines whether ServiceNow or One Identity Manager is the authoritative source for managers. |
employee_type |
This parameter is used to determine what kind of employees are fetched from OneIM. If you want more than one of a kind, then provide comma separated values.
Example- contractor, employee |
workflow_approval_timer_interval_in_seconds |
Retry interval in seconds to fetch the current status of the requested service item from One identity manager in request approval workflow of ServiceNow
IMPORTANT:The default value is 3600 secs (60 minutes). Reducing this time limit could impact the performance of the ServiceNow instance. |
Request_approval_workflow_expire_in_days |
The number of days post which the request workflow will expire and the requested service item will be aborted in One Identity manager if there is no activity on One Identity Manager for the requested service item |
default_employee_type |
Set the default Employee type for the Person OnBoarding form. List of possible employee type:
Partner |
allow_indirect_reportees |
This parameter is used to determine whether a user can raise a request for indirect reportees or not. (true|false) |
oneim_rest_ endpoint_url_api |
REST API Endpoint to the One Identity Manager Application APIServer |
oneim_mid_server_name |
This parameter is used to specify the Mid Server Name, keep it blank if you don't want to use the mid server. |