The following configuration parameters are additionally available in One Identity Manager after the module has been installed.
Table 35: Configuration parameters
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline |
Preprocessor relevant configuration parameter for controlling database model components for SharePoint Online target system administration. If the parameter is set, the target system components are available. Changes to this parameter require the database to be recompiled.
If you disable the configuration parameter at a later date, model components and scripts that are no longer required, are disabled. SQL procedures and triggers are still carried out. For more information about the behavior of preprocessor relevant configuration parameters and conditional compiling, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | Accounts |
Parameter for configuring SharePoint Online user account data. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | Accounts | MailTemplateDefaultValues |
Mail template used to send notifications about whether default IT operating data mapping values are used for automatically creating a user account. The Identity - new user account with default properties created mail template is used. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | DefaultAddress |
Default email address of the recipient for notifications about actions in the target system. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | MaxFullsyncDuration |
Maximum runtime of a synchronization in minutes. No recalculation of group memberships by the DBQueue Processor can take place during this time. If the maximum runtime is exceeded, group membership are recalculated. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | PersonAutoDefault |
Mode for automatic identity assignment for user accounts added to the database outside synchronization. |
TargetSystem | SharePointOnline | PersonAutoFullsync |
Mode for automatic identity assignment for user accounts that are added to or updated in the database by synchronization. |
A default project template ensures that all required information is added in One Identity Manager. This includes mappings, workflows, and the synchronization base object. If you do not use a default project template you must declare the synchronization base object in One Identity Manager yourself.
Use a default project template for initially setting up the synchronization project. For custom implementations, you can extend the synchronization project with the Synchronization Editor.
NOTE: There is only one synchronization template in the One Identity Manager for the target system SharePoint Online.
To synchronize SharePoint Online user accounts and permissions, you use the SharePoint Online synchronization project template. The project template uses mappings for the following schema types.
Table 36: Mapping SharePoint Online schema types to tables in the One Identity Manager schema
Tenant |
O3STenant |
Site |
O3SSite |
Group |
O3SGroup |
Web |
O3SWeb |
RoleAssignment |
O3SRLAsgn |
RoleDefinition |
O3SRole |
User |
O3SUser |
WebTemplate |
O3SWebTemplate |
The following table describes permitted editing methods for SharePoint Online schema types and names restrictions on editing system objects in the Manager.
Table 37: Methods available for editing objects types
Tenant |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Site collection |
Yes |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
No |
User account |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Group |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Site |
Yes |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
Yes |
Role |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Role assignment |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
(Yes): It is technically possible to create and delete site collections and sites. However, the scripts and processes required for this must be customized. For more information, see Setting up SharePoint Online site collections and sites.