Unsubscribe products
Assigned products that are no longer needed can be unsubscribed. Each request undergoes an approval process. If an unsubscription workflow is stored with the approval policy, unsubscription is approved or denied by an approver. If there is no unsubscription workflow given, unsubscription is approved immediately.
If the request's Valid until date has already expired and unsubscription is likely to be denied, the approver must enter a new Valid until date.
Request recipients can be notified if a request is unsubscribed by another identity.
Notifications in the request process
In a request process, various email notifications can be sent to requesters and approvers. The notification procedure uses mail templates to create notifications. The mail text in a mail template is defined in several languages. This ensures that the language of the recipient is taken into account when the email is generated. Mail templates are supplied in the default installation with which you can configure the notification procedure.
Messages are not sent to the chief approval team by default. Fallback approvers are only notified if not enough approvers could be found for an approval step.
To use email notifications
Ensure that the email notification system is configured in One Identity Manager. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.
In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | DefaultSenderAddress configuration parameter and enter the sender address used to send the email notifications.
Ensure that all identities have a default email address. Notifications are sent to this address. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.
Ensure that a language can be determined for all identities. Only then can they receive email notifications in their own language. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.
Configure the notification procedure.
Requesting approval
When a customer requests a product, the approver is notified that new approvals are pending.
To set up the notification procedure
On the Mail templates tab of the approval step, enter the following data:
Mail template request: IT Shop Request - approval required
TIP: To allow approval by email, select the IT Shop Request - approval required (by email) mail template.
NOTE: You can schedule requests for approval to send a general notification if there are requests pending. This replaces single requests for approval at each approval step.
Reminding approvers
If an approver has not made a decision by the time the reminder timeout expires, notification can be sent by email as a reminder. The approvers working hours are taken into account when the time is calculated.
To set up the notification procedure
NOTE: You can schedule requests for approval to send a general notification if there are requests pending. This replaces single requests for approval at each approval step.