The following are the minimum system requirements for installing and operating the Password Capture Agent.
You can use this method to manually deploy the Password Capture Agent on each domain controller in the source Active Directory domain.
To manually install the Password Capture Agent
On a 64-bit domain controller, run the One Identity Manager Password Capture Agent.msi file.
You can find the One Identity Manager Password Capture Agent.msi file on the One Identity Manager installation medium in Modules\ADS\dvd\AddOn\PasswordCaptureAgent.
Use the wizard to complete the Password Capture Agent installation.
The Password Capture Agent provides a PowerShell module for remote and automated installation, configuration, and uninstall. You can use this method to automatically deploy the Password Capture Agent on each domain controller in the source Active Directory domain.
For installing the Password Capture Agent remotely you should have prepared:
The thumbprint of the certificate for password encryption, for example:
The URL of the web service, for example:
Use the following commands in an elevated PowerShell.
Import-Module OneIM-PasswordCaptureAgentMgmt
$ConfigProfile = New-PCAConfigProfile
$ConfigProfile['WebClient.WebServiceURL'].ConfigValue = '<Your URL>'
$ConfigProfile['WebClient.WebServiceType'].ConfigValue = 'REST'
$ConfigProfile['WebClient.AuthenticationType'].ConfigValue = 'WindowsIntegrated'
$ConfigProfile['Backend.AuthenticationModule'].ConfigValue = 'DialogUser'
$ConfigProfile['Backend.Credential'].ConfigValue = Get-Credential viCaptureAgent
$ConfigProfile['Backend.CertificateThumbprint'].ConfigValue = '<Your Thumbprint>'
-ComputerName <Computer name>`
–LogFile <Full UNC path to the log file on the remote server>`
-Setup <UNC path for One Identity ManagerPassword Capture Agent MSI>`
-ConfigurationProfile $ConfigProfile
NOTE: To check that the Password Capture Agent is properly installed and working, you can examine the event viewer on the deployed server. The Password Capture Agent has its own log in the event viewer. The Password Capture Agent logs its summary status to this log after every system start and other such notable events during runtime.
To remove the Password Capture Agent open the list of installed programs on the computer on which the Password Capture Agent is installed.
To remove Password Capture Agent using the control panel
Select Programs and Features in the Control Panel.
Double-click One Identity Manager Password Capture Agent in the list of installed programs.
Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the Password Capture Agent.