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When working with a custom process, a step that uses the PowerShellComponent / PowerShellComponentNet4 will freeze in the JobQueue with an error, but when running the same PowerShell manually on the Job Server, it will complete without any errors. What causes Identity Manager to fail to run a script that is confirmed working on the Job Server?
While working with Support, a hotfix may be supplied in a "Transport" file. What are the steps to follow to import this hotfix into an Identity Manager environment?
Establish and implement a strong Identity Manager foundation in as little as six weeks with the Identity Manager Foundation Services Package. Offered through One Identity Services (OIS), you get expert, guided assistance every step of the way so that you can implement our Identity Manager solution quickly, effectively and efficiently.Straight out-of-the-box, the Identity Manager Foundation Service...
Identity Manager helps you simplify the access management process by leveraging an automated architecture. With Identity Manager, you can manage user identities, privileges and security across the enterprise. It puts you in control of identity management and takes the burden off your IT staff.
Establish and implement a strong Identity Manager foundation in as little as six weeks with the Identity Manager Foundation Services Package. Offered through One Identity Services (OIS), you get expert, guided assistance every step of the way so that you can implement our Identity Manager solution quickly, effectively and efficiently.Straight out-of-the-box, the Identity Manager Foundation Service...
Identity Manager Language Pack (in ZIP format) applies to all 9.2.x versions. The Identity Manager Language Pack contains ITShop translations in these languages: Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Spanish (LA), Swedish, and Danish. Please refer to the Support Portal knowledgebase article 339163 for additional information.
When attempting to upgrade to Identity Manager version 9.3 using an existing Identity Manager database that has the QAM module installed and selecting the option "Select installation modules with existing database", the installer will present the following error: Not all modules could be selected! (QAM: Module "QAM" was not found!) If the option "Select installation modul...
In the Attestation procedure ProperyInfo1 was labeled "System": In the Attestation Case details in the Angular Portal we see PropertyInfo1 it is correctly labeled as "System": But when an additional column for pending attestation cases was added via the Administrative Portal, the column is displayed as "Property 1": The expected result is the column label be "...
After setting up the company logo by creating a folder under the APiServer directory, the web portal shows a broken image where the new logo should be.
Currently, the application defaults the requester and recipient to the person who is logged into ServiceNow and does not support "On behalf" requests. For example: while creating a ticket from ServiceNow, the same "UID_Person" value is set for both the "UID_PersonInserted" and "UID_PersonOrdered" parameters.
When working with a custom process, a step that uses the PowerShellComponent / PowerShellComponentNet4 will freeze in the JobQueue with an error, but when running the same PowerShell manually on the Job Server, it will complete without any errors. What causes Identity Manager to fail to run a script that is confirmed working on the Job Server?
When attempting to connect to a SAP target system using the wizard in the synchronization editor, the connection fails and displays the following error: The type initializer for 'SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConfigParameters' threw an exception.
When using a mandatory request parameter filled from the data source Org.Ident_Org, the request will end with an error. Error: At least one product in your shopping cart cannot be requested.
Steps to reproduce: Make sure, that there are unassigned requests in the database, which use the approval procedure "MS" (Manager of requested business role or organization).Change the manager of a business role.That creates an entry in QERBufferRecalcDecisionMaker for the decision rule "QER-PWODecisionRule-MS" and triggers the DBQueue task "QER-K-ShoppingRackPWOHelperPWO-...
Create a request property parameter with a check (Validation script) for DateTime, for example: This is a sample script: Dim dateVal As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(Value) If dateVal > Date.MinValue Then If dateVal < Date.Today Then Throw New ViException(#LD("{0} - UTC - should be greater or equal to Today", dateVal)#, ExceptionRelevance.EndUser) End If End If After, assign the req...
When running a Database Consistency Check, the following error is logged: Error running statement: exec QBM_PCustomSQLFill exec QBM_PCustomSQLCompile Database error 50000: re-throw in Procedure QBM_PExecuteSQLWithRetry_LLP, Line 21 Database error 50000: re-throw in Procedure QBM_PExecuteSQLWithRetry_LLP, Line 13 Database error 50000: re-throw in Procedure QBM_PViewDrop, Line 14 Database error ...
Microsoft has implemented a new feature on Azure AD where it is possible to select more than one value for GroupMemberShipClaims@AADApplication.In Identity Manager, this has a limited value defined, which is ok when only one value is selected. However, if more than one is selected, there is a comma-separated value and the below error can occur. [810457] Error saving AADApplication [application_na...
When attempting to synchronize a new ADSContact from an Active Directory target system, the record fails to be imported by the synchronization. The logs show the following error: [810091] Active Directory contacts: The value in Email address of object <ADSContact name> does not conform to the required format. [0] '' is not a valid SMTP mail address.
Steps to reproduce: Have a deactivated organizational identity with an account assigned to it. Generate a System Meter Report in "Launchpad -> Create license report". Expected result: The report is generated without an error. Actual result: The report is generated with the following error: [810143] Database error 2628: String or binary data would be truncated in table 'OneIM.dbo.Q...