
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions 产品通知

Product Release

One Identity is excited to announce a new version of Safeguard for Privileged Sessions is now available.

Look what's fixed in 7.0.2 LTS:

  • ID340185 - If a session was terminated, the following message appeared in the session details view of the "Search" page, under "Monitoring Info > Verdict" field: "Terminated by a content policy". The same message was also found in the "Advanced Search recording.verdict" filter suggestion list, next to the value "ACCEPT_TERMINATED" in brackets. The problem with this text was that it was misleading because a session can be terminated not only by a content policy but also by the user.
  • The "ACCEPT_TERMINATED" recording.verdict message has been fixed to "Terminated by user or content policy". This message now reflects that not only the content policy but also the user can terminate a session.
  • ID340215 - When generating a report that included the "Four eyes authorizers" subchapter, if there were sessions without four-eyes authorizers, the value pie chart displayed "-1".
  • Similarly, in "Top 10 username/four-eyes authorizer ..." subchapters if the username was unknown, "-1" represented the value.
  • Since "-1" is not an intuitive value to represent unknown data, it has been replaced with "n/a".
  • ID340518 - Text input fields are sometimes too short for SSH algorithms and TLS Cipher strings.
  • When specifying algorithms on the "SSH Control/Settings" page, the text input fields did not allow to enter texts longer than 150 characters. On the "MSSQL", "RDP", "Telnet" and "VNC Control/Settings" page, the "Cipher strength" field was also affected by the same limitation.
  • This issue has been fixed. The limit has been raised to 512 characters for SSH algorithms and to 4096 characters for TLS Cipher strings.
  • See the Release Notesfor details on enhancements, corrections and improvements. 

Version 6.0.x LTS is in limited support and scheduled to discontinue support on August 15, 2023.

Version 7.0.x LTS is scheduled to go into limited support on August 15, 2024 and discontinue support on August 15, 2025.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Life Cycle table.