
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Web Portal User Guide

Getting started Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests Attestation Compliance Responsibilities
My responsibilities
Employees System entitlements Business roles System roles Departments Cost centers Locations Application roles Resources Assignment resources Multi-request resources Multi-requestable/unsubscribable resources Software Devices Adding tags for service items
Task delegation Ownerships Auditing Governance administration
Applications Calls Settings Discovering your statistics on the start page


In the history's Timeline view, you can run different actions and configure settings to view events from the past to the present. The following table explain the options.


Input Sequence

Move backward or forward

  1. Click the timeline and hold down the left mouse key.

  2. Perform one of the following tasks:

    1. Drag the marking to the left to go forward in time on the timeline.

    2. Drag the marking to the right to go back in time on the timeline.

Change the display within the timeline

  • Turn the mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out.

The timeline view can vary from months to hours.

Switch to table view

  • Click Switch to table view below the timeline.

    This switches views and the same data is shown in a table. The table displays the change type, property, new, and old value of the change and the date of change, amongst others. To return to the timeline view, click Switch to timeline view.

View event details

  • Click one of the colored elements on the timeline to view a particular event in more detail.

Apply filter

  1. Click Filter by... and select an entry from the following.




    Searches for events or actions associated with the given name.

    Employees with entitlements and ownerships create changes, such as adding or removing properties. You can view these actions on the timeline.

    Change type

    Lists all changes types, which can be selected for displaying in the timeline.

    Multi-select is possible.


    List all actions and events for the selected date.


    Lists all properties, which can be selected for displaying in the timeline.

    Properties are, for example, employee, manager, or dynamic role.

    For more detailed information about assigning through dynamic roles, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

    Multi-select is possible.


    Searches for all text data matching the given search term.

    The following settings are available.

    • All words
    • Starts with...
    • Ends with...
    • One or more words
  2. Apply the selected filter with Filter on.

Status comparison

In the history's Status comparison, you can compare the current status of objects with other points in the past.

To compare object statuses

  • Perform one of the following tasks:

    • Click Compare in the event dialog, if you have clicked on the event on the timeline.

      This compares the current object status with the point of the selected event and displays the result in Status comparison.

    • Select Status comparison and click next to the field to select the date.

The statuses and comparisons displayed in the history overview are dependent on the type of base object selected. The following attributes can be displayed.

Table 51: Overview of base objects and their attributes

Base object type



Change of base object property

Responsibility for an employee

Responsibility for a department

Responsibility for a cost center

Responsibility for a location

Membership in an application role

Membership in a department

Membership in a cost center

Membership in a location

Assignment to a resource

Assignment to a software application

Identifying a compliance rule violation

Assignment to a business role

Responsibility for a business role

Responsibility for a system role

Assignment to a system role

Assignment to a target system account


Cost center


Business role

Change of base object property

Employee membership

Assignment to a resource

Assignment to a system role

Comparing an employee's status

In the My Responsibilities menu, you can compare the current status of an employee with a status from the past in the History view. This compares attributes, which have changed within a specified time period. You specify the time period yourself in the date control provided.

This comparison is also available for company structures.

To run a comparison of an employee's status

  1. In the menu bar, click Responsibilities | My Responsibilities.

  2. Open the People menu and select an employee.

  3. Select the Status comparison view under History.

  4. Click and to select a date and time with which you want to compare the employee's current status.

    All the attributes for this employee are displayed in a list. By default, all attributes are selected.

    NOTE: You can apply a filter to all columns in the view. For more information, see Filter.


NOTE: This function is only available if the module Attestation Module is installed.

In the Attestation view under Employee, you can see your employee's attestation cases. You will see both attestation cases approved or denied by you and pending attestation.

In Attestations, you can switch between different views.

  • Group memberships
  • Objects attestation
  • All attestation cases

For each case you can see the current status and the creation date in the detailed content view. You can run the following action or get information.

  • See whether the case was approved or denied.
  • Obtain detailed information about the selected attestation case from the Information, Workflow, Attestation policy and History tabs.
  • As attestor, you can view attestors for pending attestation cases.
  • Send a reminder.
  • Approve attestation cases for object attestations as approver.
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