
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Configuration Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager software architecture Customizing the One Identity Manager default configuration Customizing the One Identity Manager base configuration One Identity Manager schema basics Editing the user interface
Object definitions for the user interface User interface navigation Forms for the user interface Statistics in One Identity Manager Extending the Launchpad Task definitions for the user interface Applications for configuring the user interface Icons and images for configuring the user interface Using predefined database queries
Localization in One Identity Manager Process orchestration in One Identity Manager
Setting up Job servers Configuring the One Identity Manager Service Handling processes in One Identity Manager
Tracking changes with process monitoring Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions Scripts in One Identity Manager
Using scripts Notes on message output Notes on using date values Using dollar ($) notation Using base objects Calling functions Pre-scripts for use in processes and process steps Using session services Using #LD-notation Script library Support for processing of scripts in Script Editor Creating and editing scripts in the Script Editor Copying scripts in the Script Editor Testing scripts in the Script Editor Testing script compilation in the Script Editor Overriding scripts Permissions for executing scripts Editing and testing script code with the System Debugger Extended debugging in the Object Browser
Reports in One Identity Manager Adding custom tables or columns to the One Identity Manager schema Web service integration SOAP Web Service One Identity Manager as SPML provisioning service provider Processing DBQueue tasks One Identity Manager Service configuration files

Creating web service solutions with the Web Service Integration Wizard

  • Before you can bind a web service with the WCF service type, the SvcUtil,exe file must exist in the One Identity Manager installation directory.

    Refer to Microsoft for information about where you can purchase this file.

  • Before you can bind a web service with the SOAP service type, the WSDL.exe file must be on the server that executed provisioning.

    Refer to Microsoft for information about where you can purchase this file.

To integrate a new web service

  1. In the Designer, select the Base Data | General | Web services category.

  2. Select the Integrate new web service task.

    This start the Web Service Integration Wizard.

  3. Click Next on the start page.

  4. Enter the access data and general web service properties on the Integrate new web service page.

    Table 180: General properties of a web service
    Property Description

    Web service name

    Display name of the web service in One Identity Manager.


    Text field for additional explanation.

    .NET namespace for the proxy code

    Unique identifier for the .NET namespace.

    Web service URL

    URL at which the web service is run.

    WSDL file URL

    URL at which the WSDL.exe for the web service can be reached.

    If the WSDL.exe is not publicly available, it can also be saved locally.

    NOTE: If the web service operator changes the WSDL file, run the Web Service Integration Wizard again in order to implement the changes.

    Service type

    Type of web service.


    Indicates whether the web service can be used.

    User name

    User name for logging in to the web service.

    User domain

    User domain.

    User password and password confirmation

    Password for logging in to the web service.

    Proxy code generator

    Path and file name for the proxy code generator.
    • If the WCF service type is selected, path to SvcUtil.exe file.
    • If the SOAP service type is selected, path to WSDL.exe file.
    Table 181: Advanced properties of a web service
    Property Description

    Proxy server URL

    URL of the proxy server, if communication is routed through a proxy server.

    Proxy server user name

    User name for logging onto the proxy server.

    Proxy server domain

    Proxy server domain.

    Proxy server password and password confirmation

    Password and password confirmation for logging onto the proxy server.

    Timeout for WSDL.exe

    Timeout for accessing the WSDL file.

    User-defined command line

    Command line for calling the proxy code generator. The command line can extended by another parameter if required.

    Default command:

    /nologo /language:VB "/namespace:%Namespace%" "/out:{0}" %WsdlUrl%


    /nologo /language:VB "/namespace:EnricoHolidayWebservice" "/out:{0}" http://kayaposoft.com/enrico/ws/v1.0/index.php?wsdl

    1. Click Check.

      This tests access to the web service.

    2. If the test is sucessful, click Next.

  5. The generated proxy code is shown on the page, Create proxy code.

    The proxy code contains all web service methods, which are defined in the WSDL file and makes them available to the One Identity Manager script components.

  6. On Select method calls, select the web service methods you want to use in One Identity Manager. A script is generated for each of the selected methods in the next step.

  7. A script is generated to call the selected method on the Generate web service call page. Enter all the required parameter and properties for this.

    • Click to specify the type of method call.

      Table 182: Type of method call
      Type Description
      Self-defined web service call For more information, see Self-defined web service call.
      Direct web service call For more information, see Direct web service call.
      Generic web service call For more information, see Generic web service call.
      Table 183: Script properties
      Property Description
      Script name Name of script. Prefix custom scripts with CCC_.

      Script names for the generic web service call must follow the following format:

      <customer prefix>_<table>_<target system>_<event>

      Select the table, target system and event to create the script for. Parameter, value type and data table are automatically determined from the selected table.

      Parameter Name of the parameter.
      Value type Parameter data type.
      Data table Data table that contains the data to be transferred to the web service.
      Return value Data type of the parameter containing the return value.
      Table 184: Data transfer
      Property Description
      Parameter Parameter transferred to the web service.
      Value type Parameter data type.
      Mapped from Parameter from the defined script properties. Open the menu and assign the associated parameters. If necessary, select the column from the data table which contains the value to be passed.

      In the Script code view, you see the generated script. You can use extended edit mode to edit the script.

      TIP: The script calls the VID_GetWcfWebService function, which in turn, uses the GetWcfBinding and GetWcfEndpointAddress functions. These three functions can be overwritten.
  8. To end the Web Service Integration Wizard, click Finish.

  9. Save the changes.
  10. Compile the database.
Related topics

Modifying a web service solution

You can change or extend an existing web service solution at any time. This overwrites the existing script or adds new scripts.

To extend a web service solution

  1. In the Designer, select the Base Data | General | Web services category.

  2. Select the web service in the List Editor.

  3. Select the Create web service call task.

    This start the Web Service Integration Wizard.

  4. Follow the wizard's instructions.

  5. Save the changes.
  6. Compile the database.

To edit a web service solution

  1. In the Designer, select the Base Data | General | Web services category.

  2. In the List Editor, select the web service.

  3. Select the Edit web service task.

    This start the Web Service Integration Wizard.

  4. Follow the wizard's instructions.

  5. Save the changes.
  6. Compile the database.
Detailed information about this topic

Deleting a web service solution

To delete a web service solution from the database

  1. Delete the web service.

  2. Delete all associated custom scripts.

  3. Determine all other custom element of your web service solution and delete them.

  4. Save the changes.
  5. Compile the database.

SOAP Web Service

One Identity Manager's SOAP Web Service provides a SOAP interface for accessing the One Identity Manager object model. The SOAP Web Service manages a connection pool. Not every call opens a new connection. Not all object layer functions are support by the SOAP Web Service. The SOAP Web Service supplies methods for single objects, object lists, and function call.

Table 185: Methods for single objects
Method Description


Adds a new single object.


Loads a single complete object from the database with all parameters.


Functionality analog to GetCompleteSingleObject with support for a multi-column primary key.


Loads a single object from the database.


Functionality analog to GetSingleObject with support for a multi-column primary key.


Saves changes to a single object.


Functionality analog to ChangeSingleObject with support for a multi-column primary key.


Deletes a single object.


Functionality analog to DeleteSingleObject with support for a multi-column primary key.


Does a specific single object exist?


Functionality analog to Exists with support for a multi-column primary key.


Gets a single value from an object.


Functionality analog to GetSingleProperty with support for a multi-column primary key.

Table 186: Methods for object lists
Method Description


Loads a list of objects.


Loads a list of objects with data additional to the primary key about the columns to load.

Table 187: Methods for function calls
Function Description


Calls a customizer method for an object.


Functionality analog to InvokeCustomizer with support for a multi-column primary key.


Calls a dialog method for a dialog object.


Functionality analog to InvokeDialogMethod with support for a multi-column primary key.


Generates processes of a specific event.


Functionality analog to FireGenEvent with support for a multi-column primary key.

Detailed information about this topic

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