
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Release Notes

Product licensing

Use of this software is governed by the Software Transaction Agreement found at http://www.oneidentity.com/legal/sta.aspx and the SaaS Addendum at http://www.oneidentity.com/legal/saas-addendum.aspx. This software does not require an activation or license key to operate.

Upgrade and installation instructions

To install One Identity Manager 8.1.5 for the first time, follow the installation instructions in the One Identity Manager Installation Guide. For more detailed instructions about updating, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

Advice for updating One Identity Manager

Advice for updating One Identity Manager

  • Ensure that the administrative system user, who is going to compile the database, has a password before you update the One Identity Manager database to version 8.1.5. Otherwise the schema update cannot be completed successfully.

  • Note the following for automatic software updating:

    • Automatic software updating of version 7.0 to version 8.1.5 only works smoothly if the service pack 7.0.3 is installed. In addition, the files VI.Update.dll and JobService.dll must be installed.

      Request the files VI.Update.dll and JobService.dll from the support portal.

      To distribute the file, use the Software Loader.

      Future service packs of 7.0 versions will already contain the changes to these files, and therefore, must not distributed separately.

    • Automatic software updating of version 7.1 to version 8.1.5 only works smoothly if the service pack 7.1.3 is installed.

  • One Identity Manager uses In-Memory OLTP ((Online Transactional Processing) for memory optimized data access. The database server must support Extreme Transaction Processing (XTP). If XTP is not enabled, the installation or update will not start. Check whether the SQL Server property Supports Extreme Transaction Processing (IsXTPSupported) is set to True.

    The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to create memory-optimized tables:

    • A database file with the file type Filestream data must exist.

    • A memory-optimized data filegroup must exist.

    The Configuration Wizard checks whether these prerequisites are fulfilled before the One Identity Manager database can be installed or updated. The Configuration Wizard offers repair methods for creating the database file and database group.

  • During the update of a One Identity Manager database version 7.0, 7.1 or 8.0 to version 8.1.5, different columns that were already semantically defined as mandatory fields become physical mandatory fields.

    During the schema update with the Configuration Wizard, errors may occur due to inconsistent data. The update quits with an error message.

    <table>.<column> must not be null

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column '<column>', table '<table>'; column does not allow nulls.

    UPDATE fails

    Check and correct data consistency before updating a One Identity Manager database. In the add-on for the Configuration Module on the installation medium, a test script (\SDK\SQLSamples\Files\MSSQL2K\30374.sql) is provided. In case it fails, correct the data and restart the update.

  • During installation of a new One Identity Manager database or a new One Identity Manager History Database with version 8.1.5 or while updating an One Identity Manager database or One Identity Manager History Database from version 7.0.x, 7.1.x or 8.0.x to version 8.1.5, you can specify whether you want to work with granular permissions at server and database level. The Configuration Wizard then creates SQL Server logins and database users with the necessary permissions for administrative user, configuration users and end users. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

    After updating One Identity Manager, change the connection parameters. This affects, for example, the connection data for the database (DialogDatabase), the One Identity Manager Service, the application server, the administration and configuration tools, the web applications and web services as well as the connection data in synchronization projects.

    If you want to switch to granular permissions when you update from 8.1.x, contact support. To access the Support Portal, go to https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/.

  • To successfully compile HTML applications with the Configuration Wizard, you must download packages from the NPM repository. Ensure that the workstation running the Configuration Wizard can establish a connection to the website https://registry.npmjs.org.

    Alternatively, it is possible to download the packages from a proxy server and make them available manually. For more information, see the knowledge article https://support.oneidentity.com/kb/266000.

  • In One Identity Manager versions 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, the One Identity Manager History Service and the One Identity Manager Service were both installed when the One Identity Manager History Database was installed.

    If you are affected by this problem, uninstall the One Identity Manager History Database before updating your One Identity Manager History Service. Run the following command as administrator:

    sc delete "HDBService"

  • Once this version has been installed, users that need to access the REST API in the application server require the Enables access to the REST API on the application server (AppServer_API) function. Assign this program function to the users. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.

Updating One Identity Manager to version 8.1.5

Updating One Identity Manager to version 8.1.5

To update an existing One Identity Manager installation to version 8.1.5

  1. Run all the consistency checks in the Designer in Database section.

    1. Start the Consistency Editor in the Designer by selecting the Database > Check data consistency menu item.

    2. In the Test options dialog, click .

    3. Under the Database node, enable all the tests and click OK.

    4. To start the check, select the Consistency check > Run menu item.

      All the database tests must be successful. Correct any errors. Some consistency checks offer repair options for correcting errors.

  2. Update the administrative workstation, on which the One Identity Manager database schema update is started.

    1. Execute the program autorun.exe from the root directory on the One Identity Manager installation medium.

    2. Change to the Installation tab. Select the Edition you have installed.

      NOTE: To update a One Identity Manager History Database installation, change to the Other Products page and select the One Identity Manager History Database.

    3. Click Install.

      This starts the installation wizard.

    4. Follow the installation instructions.

      IMPORTANT: On the Installation Settings page, select the directory for your current installation as the installation directory. Otherwise the components are not updated and a new installation is created in the second directory instead.
  3. (From version 7.0.x or version 7.1.x) End the One Identity Manager Service on the server that processes direct database queries.

    (From version 8.0.x or version 8.1.x). End the One Identity Manager Service on the update server.

  4. Make a backup of the One Identity Manager database.

  5. Check whether the database's compatibility level is set to 130 and change the value if required.

  6. Run the One Identity Manager database schema update.

    • Start the Configuration Wizard on the administrative workstation and follow the instructions.

      Select a user who has at least administrative permissions for the One Identity Manager database to update the One Identity Manager schema with the Configuration Wizard.

      • Use the same user as you used for initially installing the schema.

      • If you created an administrative user during schema installation, use that one.

      • If you selected a user with Windows authentication to install the schema, you must use the same one for updating.

      NOTE: If you want to switch to the granular permissions concept when you upgrade from version 7.0.x, 7.1.x or 8.0.x to version 8.1.5, use an installation user with permissions for this permissions concept. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

      If you want to switch to granular permissions when you update from 8.1.x to version 8.1.5, contact support. To access the Support Portal, go to https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/.

  7. (From version 7.0.x or version 7.1.x) Update the One Identity Manager Service on the server that processes direct database queries.

    (From version 8.0.x or version 8.1.x). Update the One Identity Manager Service on the update server.

    1. Execute the program autorun.exe from the root directory on the One Identity Manager installation medium.

    2. Change to the Installation tab. Select the Edition you have installed.

      NOTE: To update a One Identity Manager History Database installation, change to the Other Products page and select the One Identity Manager History Database.

    3. Click Install.

      This starts the installation wizard.

    4. Follow the installation instructions.

      IMPORTANT: On the Installation Settings page, select the directory for your current installation as the installation directory. Otherwise the components are not updated and a new installation is created in the second directory instead.

      NOTE: After updating a One Identity Manager History Database installation from version 7.0.x or Version 7.1.x, the One Identity Manager History Service is not registered.

      Register the service manually. Run the following command on the command line in administrative mode:

      sc create "HDBService" binpath= "<path>\vinetworkservice.exe" displayname= "One Identity Manager History Service"

      sc description "HDBService" "One Identity Manager History Service"

  8. Check the login information of the One Identity Manager Service. Revert to the original settings if the One Identity Manager Service did not initially use the local system account for logging in. Specify the service account to be used. Enter the service account to use.

  9. Start the One Identity Manager Service on the update server.

  10. Update other installations on workstations and servers.

    You can use the automatic software update method for updating existing installations.

To update synchronization projects to version 8.1.5

  1. If you have set up synchronization projects for connecting cloud applications in the Universal Cloud Interface, update the target system schema in these synchronization projects using the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Any required changes to system connectors or the synchronization engine are made available when you update One Identity Manager. These changes must be applied to existing synchronization projects to prevent target system synchronizations that are already set up, from failing. Patches are made available for this.

    NOTE: Some patches are applied automatically. A process that migrates all existing synchronization project is queued in the Job queue to do this. To execute the process, the One Identity Manager Service must be started on the database server and on all the synchronization servers.

    • Check whether the DPR_Migrate_Shell process has been started successfully.

      If the patch cannot be applied because the target system could not be reached, for example, you can manually apply it.

    For more information, see Applying patches to synchronization projects.

To update an application server to version 8.1.5

  • After updating the One Identity Manager database's schema, the application server starts the automatic update.

  • To start the update manually, open the application's status page in the browser and select Update immediately from the current user's menu.

To update the Web Portal to version 8.1.5

NOTE: Ensure that the application server is updated before you install the Web Portal. As from version 7.1. and later, the Web Portal requires an application server with a search service installed on it.

  • To update the Web Portal automatically, connect to the runtime monitor http://<server>/<application>/monitor in a browser and start the web application update.

  • To manually update the Web Portal, uninstall the existing Web Portal and install the Web Portal again. For more instructions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

To update an API Server to version 8.1.5

  • After updating the One Identity Manager database schema, restart the API Server. The API Server is updated automatically.

To update the Operations Support Web Portal to version 8.1.5

  • (As from version 8.1.x) After updating the API Server, compile the HTML application Operations Support Portal. For more instructions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

  • (As from version 8.0.x)

    1. Uninstall the Operations Support Web Portal.

    2. Install an API Server and compile the HTML application Operations Support Portal. For more instructions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

To update the Manager web application to version 8.1.5

  1. Uninstall the Manager web application

  2. Reinstall the Manager web application.

  3. The default Internet Information Services user requires edit permissions for the Manager's installation directory to automatically update the Manager web application Check whether the required permissions exist.


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