
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Web Portal User Guide

Getting started Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests Attestation Compliance Responsibilities
My responsibilities
Employees System entitlements Business roles System roles Departments Cost centers Locations Application roles Resources Assignment resources Multi-request resources Multi-requestable/unsubscribable resources Software Devices Adding tags for service items
Task delegation Ownerships Auditing Governance administration
Applications Calls Settings Discovering your statistics on the start page

Viewing new attestations

All the attestation policy attestation cases are displayed. It is possible that some of the attestation cases have existed for a while and have been approved several times. New cases have not been granted approval yet but might have been denied approval before. These cases are marked with "Yes" in New.

NOTE: You can add the Not approved before column to your table view by showing additional columns. This provides the same information as in the New column, which is shown in the table by default.

To view new attestation cases

  1. Open the Pending Attestations menu and select one the following actions:

    • Click an object type.

      This displays all the matching attestation policies for this object type.

    • Click View attestation policies.

      All existing attestation policies are displayed.

  2. Highlight the new attestation case and view more details about the case in the master detail.

Adding approvers

In tPending Attestations, you can add approvers to attestations.

To add an approver

  1. Mark an attestation case in Pending attestations and select the action in Add approver.
  2. Select an approver from the dialog and enter a reason.
  3. Save your data.

Attestations for a specific object type

You can view attestation cases for a specific object type in the Pending attestations menu.

To view attestation for a specific object type

  1. Open Pending Attestations and click an object type.

    This displays all the matching attestation policies for this object type.

    NOTE: How you proceed, depends on the object type you select.

  2. Perform one of the following tasks:

    1. Proceed as follows, if you selected Cost center.

      A list of your selected object types appears in the view.

      • Select the required cost center.

        This displays the pending attestations for the selected cost center The Object attestation and All attestation cases views are available.

    2. Proceeds as follows, if you select Employees or Business Roles.

      A list of your selected object types appears in the view.

      • Select the object type required for viewing the attestation, such as "employee".

        In the Pending Attestations view, the Memberships and All attestation cases views are available.

  3. Select the required view.

    This displays a list of attestation for the selected view.

  4. Highlight the required attestation to view further details.

    In the detailed content view you see several tabs containing detailed information about attestation.

Viewing employees authorized to make approvals

In Pending Attestations, you can view the employees authorized to make approvals for an attestation case.

NOTE: This function is also available in Auditing.

To view employees with approval authorization for an attestation case

  1. Open the Pending Attestations menu and select one the following actions:

    • Click an object type.

      This displays all the matching attestation policies for this object type.

    • Click View attestation policies.

      All existing attestation policies are displayed.

  2. Mark the desired case.

    This displays details of the selected case in the detailed content view.

  3. Select the Workflow tab.

    This displays the current authorized approvers and approval authorized employees who have already made approvals.

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