
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - API Designer User and Development Guide

API Designer Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit Quick start – Creating an API Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API files API Server ImxClient command line program

Changing global settings

You can change the global settings, general settings, or both for the API Designer at any time.

To adjust API Designer settings

  1. On the menu bar, click Connection | Settings.

  2. In the Global settings dialog, click a pane to collapse or expand it.

  3. Configure the required settings (see Global settings).

  4. Click Apply.

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Switching languages

The API Designer is available in German and English. You can switch between these languages at any time. Changing the language requires the API Designer to be restarted.

To change the API Designer language

  1. On the menu bar, select Connection | Settings.

  2. In the Global settings dialog, in the Common | Common culture section, select the desired language (for formatting and user interface) in the After next restart menu.

  3. (Optional) If you want to use another language for formatting values in the user interface, set the Use another language for the UI option and select the desired language in the After next restart menu.

    For example, if you want dates to be displayed in the German format (TT.MM.JJJJ) and the rest of the user interface in English, select German (Germany) in step 2 and English (United States) in step 3.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Confirm the prompt by selecting Yes in the Restart API Designer dialog.

    The API Designer will restart in the selected language.

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Database objects

API projects, and API files are defined as database objects in API Designer. Here you can learn how to work with these database objects in API Designer.

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Object properties

Right-click on an object to open the Object properties dialog (see Displaying object properties)

The Object properties dialog displays the properties of objects in the API Designer. The dialog is divided into five tabs, which are explained below.


Under the General tab, the general properties of the object such as ID, status, or primary key are displayed.


Under the Properties tab, all columns in the database object are displayed in a table alongside their values. You can choose between a simple column view or the advanced view with additional data for column definitions.


On the Permissions tab, the database object permissions are displayed. The first entry shows the basic permissions for the table. Under that, the permissions are listed for the specific database object. The other entries show the column permissions.

TIP: Double-click the table entry, the object entry, or a column entry to display the permissions group from which the permissions were determined.

Table 7: Icon used for permissions
Icon Meaning
Permissions exist.
Permissions have been removed by the object layer.
Permissions limited by conditions.

Under the Change labels tab, all the change labels assigned to the database object are displayed. You can also assign a change label to the object.


Under the Export tab, you can export the database object:

  • To the clipboard
  • As a file
  • Using drag-and-drop
  • As a SQL INSERT statement or SQL UPDATE statement
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