
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - API Designer User and Development Guide

API Designer Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit Quick start – Creating an API Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API files API Server ImxClient command line program

Node editor view

Open the node editor view using View | Node editor (see Opening the node editor view).

The Node editor view allows you to edit the properties of a node that you have selected in the Definition tree view (see Editing nodes).

NOTE:The settings shown depend on the type of node selected.

The following table provides an overview of the various features available within the Node editor window.

Table 12: Controls



and name / icon of the base object

Displays if a file-based database object (Solution project) has been selected.

Click Open corresponding folder to open the folder on your drive where the database object is located.

For more information, see Solution projects.

Node name/node type icon

Shows the node identifier and the node type icon that marks it in the definition tree view.


Displays if a database object is selected.

Delete filter

Deletes the filter entered into the next field.

Filter field

Displays only fields that match the text that has been entered.

Example: If you enter Pe, only the Permission field will be displayed.

NOTE: The API Designer only filters the settings fields and not the values contained within them.

 Sort ascending alphabetically

Sorts the settings alphabetically in ascending order within each category.

If you enable sorting, the button will be highlighted with a colored frame.

 Sort descending alphabetically

Sorts the settings alphabetically in descending order within each category.

If you enable sorting, the button will be highlighted with a colored frame.

 View grouping

Enables/disables the display of the various settings in categories.

If you enable this option, the button will be highlighted with a colored frame.

 Expand all

Expands all categories.

 Collapse all

Collapses all categories.

Show extension values

Highlights settings that have had an extension added to them. Use to switch to the extension. A node that has had an extension added to it, is indicated in the definition tree view with the icon.

If you enable this option, the button will be highlighted with a colored frame.

Related topics

Opening the node editor view

You can open the node editor view at any time.

To open the node editor view

  • Click View | Node editor on the menu bar.

Related topics

Editing nodes

Node properties can be edited for any node in the node editor view.

To edit a node

  1. On the menu bar, click View | Navigation.

  2. In the navigation, double-click the object that you would like to edit.

  3. Click View | Node editor on the menu bar.

    The Node editor view opens.

  4. In the Definition tree view, click the node that you would like to edit.

    The fields and options shown in the node editor view will change depending on the selected node.

  5. Make the changes in the Node editor view.

  6. On the toolbar, click Save.

Related topics

Labeling changes

Use Change label to make it easier to view and assign changes in the database. Any database objects that yield a project are entered on a change label. Database Transporter is used for moving the web project. You can create and edit change labels in different One Identity Manager tools.

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