Assigning policy collections to attestation policies
To group attestation policies together, you can assign multiple attestation policies to a specific policy collection.
To assign an attestation policy to a policy collection.
On the Attestation Policies page, click the attestation policy you want to assign to a policy collection.
TIP: To show disabled attestation policies, delete the Activated attestation policies option. To do this, click
(Clear filter) next to the filter.
In the Edit Attestation Policy pane, in the Policy collection menu, select the policy collection to which you want to assign the attestation policy.
Click Save.
Attestors for attestation cases
You can display the identities that still have pending attestation cases to approve. To do this, you have the following options:
Displaying attestors of my attestation cases
You can display identities that still have attestation cases to approve that affect you.
To show attestors of an attestation case
In the menu bar, click Attestation > My Attestation Status.
(Optional) On the My Attestation Status page, click on a tab to display the corresponding attestation cases.
In the list, click the attestation case that has attestors you want to show.
In the details pane, click Actions > Send a reminder mail.
The Send a reminder mail dialog lists all the identities that can approve this attestation case. You can now send these identities a reminder.
To show attestors of all attestation cases
In the menu bar, click Attestation > My Attestation Status.
(Optional) On the My Attestation Status page, click on a tab to display the corresponding attestation cases.
Click View approvers for pending cases.
The Send a reminder mail dialog shows all the identities that still have attestation cases to approve that affect you. You can now send these identities a reminder.
Related topics
Displaying attestors of pending attestation cases
You can display identities that still have pending attestation cases that you can also approve.
To show attestors of an attestation case
In the menu bar, click Attestation > My Actions.
In the menu bar, click Attestation > Pending Attestations.
(Optional) On the Pending attestations page, perform one of the following actions:
To display a specific object, click on the corresponding tile and then the object.
To display attestation cases by attestation policies, click Switch to policy view and then the attestation policy.
(Optional) On the Pending Attestations page, click on a tab to display the corresponding attestation cases.
In the list, click the attestation case that has attestors you want to show.
In the details pane, click Actions > Send a reminder mail.
The Send a reminder mail dialog lists all the identities that can approve this attestation case. You can now send these identities a reminder.
To show attestors of all attestation cases
In the menu bar, click Attestation > My Actions.
In the menu bar, click Attestation > Pending Attestations.
(Optional) On the Pending attestations page, perform one of the following actions:
To display a specific object, click on the corresponding tile and then the object.
To display attestation cases by attestation policies, click Switch to policy view and then the attestation policy.
(Optional) On the Pending Attestations page, click on a tab to display the corresponding attestation cases.
Click View approvers for pending cases.
The Send a reminder mail dialog shows all the identities that still have attestation cases to approve. You can now send these identities a reminder.
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