Manual FPolicy creation (ManualFPolicyCreation)
On the Data Governance server, create the following registry key to manually create the FPolicy for a NetApp filer. Creating this registry key prevents the automatic creation of FPolicy on the specified NetApp filer.
Table 90: Registry setting: ManualFPolicyCreation
Location |
Registry |
Path |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Broadway\Server |
Value name |
ManualFPolicyCreation |
Value type |
Value |
Fully qualified domain name of the NetApp filer. |
Note |
Ensure that the registry key has been created on the server before deploying the agent.
In addition, you must also create a new configuration file, DefaultOntapSetting.qamel, in the Data Governance server folder: %ProgramFiles%\One Identity\One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition\Server. |
Resource access data points (MaxDataPoints)
Create the following registry key on the client computer where the Manager is installed to specify the maximum number of data points to be included in a Resource Access report.
Table 91: Registry setting: MaxDataPoints
Location |
Registry |
Path |
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Broadway\Client\Reporting\ResourceAccessReport
NOTE: The Reporting and ResourceAccessReport subkeys do not exist by default and will need to be created. |
Value name |
MaxDataPoints |
Value type |
Value |
Maximum number of data points.
Default: 10000 |
View deviations data points (MaxDataPoints)
Create the following registry key on the client computer where the Manager is installed to specify the maximum number of data points to be included when viewing deviations.
Table 92: Registry setting: MaxDataPoints
Location |
Registry |
Path |
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Broadway\Client\Controls\ViewDeviations
NOTE: The Controls and ViewDeviations subkeys do not exist by default and will need to be created. |
Value name |
MaxDataPoints |
Value type |
Value |
Maximum number of data points.
Default: 10000 |
Data governance overview results (MaxResults)
Create the following registry key on the client computer where the Manager is installed to specify the maximum number of records to be returned and displayed on the Data governance overview.
Table 93: Registry setting: MaxResults
Location |
Registry |
Path |
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\One Identity\Broadway\Client\DataUnderGovernanceView
NOTE: The DataUnderGovernanceView subkey does not exist by default and will need to be created. |
Value name |
MaxResults |
Value type |
Value |
Maximum number of records to be returned and displayed.
Default: 5000 records |