Object key definition
The object keys define all columns that are required to select only one object of the schema type. <Key> tags are used to define the key columns. The <ObjectKey> tag can contain any number of <Key> tags. This enables the components of the unique key to be declared for all elements of a schema type and the columns to be named that are required for the identification of an individual object of this schema type. The correct specification of all key columns is important both for the selection of the individual objects, and for possible Join operations.
Table 8: Attributes of an object key definition
Column |
Name of the column in full name notation. |
IsReferencedColumn |
Specifies whether the key column is required by other schema types for reference resolution The default value is false. |
IsDNColumn |
Specifies whether the value in this column is inserted as a component into the defined name of the object. The default value is false. |
X500Abbreviation |
Abbreviation that is added to the front of the value from this column when forming the defined name. Only required if IsDNColumn="true". |
<Key Column="APPLSYS.FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID" IsDNColumn="true" X500Abbreviation="AP" />
Table definitions
The <Tables> tag can contain any number of table definitions in <Table> tags. This makes it possible to name all tables or view from which data for a single object of this schema type is required. The underlying required information for a table is defined in the attributes of the <Table> tag.
Table 9: Attributes of a table definition
Name |
Name of the table (without schema name). |
Schema |
Name of the Oracle schema. |
Name of a column that can be an alternative primary key. This column is always loaded. |
Name of a column that stores information about the last object modifications. If the column LAST_UPDATE_DATE exists, this is used as change information by default and does not have to be specified explicitly. |
WhereClause |
WHERE clause for restricting the results set. |
JoinParentColumn |
Comma-delimited list of columns in a superordinate table, if a Join operation is to be executed for a hierarchically superordinate schema type (full notation). |
JoinChildColumn |
Comma-delimited list of columns in the currently defined table that shall be joined to the columns from JoinParentColumn in the Join operation (full notation). The sequence of columns in the list determines which columns are joined to each other. |
Primary key definition
The <PK> tags within the <Table> section name the primary key columns of a table. The name of the column is specified in the Column attribute. To define primary keys with multiple columns, enter each column in a separate tag. You can use any number of <PK> tags in a table definition.
Table 10: Attribute of a primary key definition
Column |
Name of the primary key column. |
Column pairs in the hierarchy
The <ParentTableFK> tags within the <Table> section describe the column pairs that are to be equated with the table of the superordinate schema type in a Join operation.
Table 11: Attributes of a column pair
Column |
Name of the column in the current defined table. |
ParentColumn |
Name of the column in the table of the superordinate schema type. |