
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Report Subscriptions Administration Guide

Editing report parameters for subscribable reports

Report parameters are displayed in the Manager when a subscribable report is added. You can make further changes to these report parameters assuming they can be overwritten. That means, you specify which report parameters can be viewed or overwritten by Web Portal users and define parameter values.

To edit report parameters

  1. In the Manager, select the subscribable report in the Report Subscriptions | Subscribable report category.

  2. Select the Change master data task.

  3. Select the report parameter on the Parameter tab on the left side of the master data form to load the parameter properties.

    TIP: The actual parameter values are shown next to the fields and menus.

Use the following settings when editing subscribable reports to inherit parameter properties:

  • Value inherited

    This value is provided by a simple menu on the form for various parameter properties.

  • Empty

    Leave the input field for menu item empty. This ensures that the parameter property settings are inherited from the report.

IMPORTANT: If a preprocessor condition is given in a subscribable report, you must ensure that all report parameters depending on this preprocessor condition have a default value in the underlying report in the Report Editor. If the value query is used for a report parameter type, this must be overwritten with the value fixed in the subscribable report. Otherwise, errors may occur when the report is generated.

Detailed information about this topic

General parameter settings

Enter the following general parameter settings.

Table 10: General parameter settings
Property Description

Parameter type

Type of parameter.

Permitted values are:

  • Fixed: Fixed parameter values are used.

  • User prompt: The user must select a parameter value through a user prompt.

  • Calculation: The parameter value is calculates at runtime when the report is created.

Other settings are shown or hidden depending on the type.

Display name

User friendly name for the report parameter. Enter a translation using the button next to the input field for multilingual implementation.


Text field for additional explanation.

Sort order

Position of the report parameter in the subscribable report view and in the Web Portal.

Mandatory parameter

Specifies whether this is a supplier. You must enter value into a mandatory parameter.


Specifies whether the report parameter is shown when a report subscription is set up in the Web Portal.

Can be overwritten

Specifies whether the report parameter can be overwritten by Web Portal users when a report subscription is created.

Defining parameter values

Use the value definition to specify the parameter value and define the characteristics of the parameter value. Other input is shown or hidden depending on the parameter definition values.

NOTE: Parameter value and Default value are heavily influenced by the parameter value definition. This is shown, on one hand, by dynamic customizing of the controls available for the parameter value and default value, and on the other hand, by dynamic customizing of the values available themselves.

That is why it is recommended to edit the parameter definition first assuming this is necessary.

Enter the following data for a parameter definition:

Property Description

Data type

Data type for the report parameter.

Value range

Specifies whether the report parameter value has to be within a given range. If <Yes>, additional data is shown, Parameter value (from), Parameter value (to) and Default value (from), Default value (to).


The report parameter can have multiple values. You can select more than one value.


The report parameter can have more than one line, which means that line breaks are allowed.

Data source

Type of data source. You can select the values None, Table, List of permitted values. You may require additional data depending on the data source.

Table column (query)

Additional data for the data source Table.

Table column for selecting the value. You can select a value from this table column. If the report parameter is multi-value, you can select several values from this column as well.

Condition (query)

Additional data for the data source Table.

Limiting condition (where clause) for selecting the value through a table column. You can select a value from the result set. If the report parameter is multi-value, you can select several values from this set as well.

List of permitted values

Additional data for the data source List of permitted values.

Lists the permitted values in this report parameter in value=description. If no = is given, the entry counts as value AND description.

Overwrite empty value

Parameter value data. Specified whether an empty report parameter overwrites the default value.

Parameter value

Parameter value data. Report parameter value.

Default value

Parameter value data. Report parameter default value. This is used, for example, if the Web Portal user does not specify a parameter value.

Settings for calculating values

Enter the following data if the report parameter is calculated:

Table 11: Master data for calculating values
Property Description

Table column (calc.)

Table column for selecting the value. The parameter value is determined at runtime when the report is created.

Condition (calc.)

Limiting condition (WHERE clause) for selecting the value through a table column The parameter value is determined at runtime when the report is created. If the report parameter is multivalue as well, several values may be found.


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