
Identity Manager 9.2.1 - Epic Healthcare System Administration Guide

Managing an Epic health care system Setting up synchronization with an Epic health care system Basic Data for managing an Epic health care system Epic Connection Epic EMP User Accounts Epic EMP template Epic EMP subtemplate Epic SER Items Epic SER Provider accounts Epic SER Blueprints Epic SER Template Security Matrix Configuration parameters for managing Epic health care system Default project template for Epic

Password data for Epic EMP user account

Enter the following Password data on the Password tab.

Table 23: Password data
Property Description
Password Enter the password
Confirmation Renter the password for confirmation

NOTE: The password data is applicable only if Epic Native Authentication has been enabled in the Target Epic system. Password updates in the target Epic system take place only if Epic Native authentication has been enabled in Epic and Epic Native authentication option is selected in the synchronization project.

Template data for Epic EMP user account

The templates data tab is used to configure the Default and Applied Epic EMP Templates for the user.

Table 24: Template data for Epic EMP user account
Property Description
Default EMP Template inherited

This is a read only calculated field. If the Designer configuration parameter AutoSetAppliedEMPTemplate option has been selected, then whenever a Epic EMP user inherits an Epic EMP Template either through Base tree or Security matrix it is automatically set as the Default Epic EMP Template for the Epic EMP user in the target Epic system.

NOTE: The Designer configuration parameter AutoSetAppliedEMPTemplate is NOT selected by default.

Default EMP Template

This option allows you to manually set the default EMP Epic EMP Template for an Epic EMP user.

NOTE: The Default Epic EMP Template set in the target Epic system is always synchronized back to this field

Applied EMPTemplate inherited

This is read only calculated field. If the Designer configuration parameter AutoSetAppliedEMPTemplate option has been selected, then whenever a Epic EMP user inherits an Epic EMP Template either through Base tree or Security matrix it is automatically set as the Applied Epic EMP Template for the Epic EMP user in the target Epic system.

NOTE: The Designer configuration parameter AutoSetAppliedEMPTemplate is NOT selected by default.

Applied EMP Template

This option allows you to manually set the Applied Epic EMP Template for a Epic EMP user.

NOTE: The Applied Epic EMP set in the target Epic system is always synchronized back to this field

NOTE: If a user has only one Epic EMP Template assigned either through direct or indirect assignment, it is automatically set as the Default and Applied Epic EMP Template for the Epic EMP user.

Additional tasks for managing Epic EMP user account

Overview of Epic EMP user account

Use this task to obtain an overview of the most important information about an Epic EMP user account.

To obtain an overview of a user account

  1. Select Epic health care | EMP users.
  2. Select the Epic EMP user account in the result list.
  3. Select Epic EMP account.
Changing the manage level of Epic EMP user accounts

The default manage level is applied if you create Epic EMP user accounts using automatic identity assignment. You can change a Epic EMP user account manage level later.

To change the manage level for an Epic EMP user account

  1. In One Identity Manager, select Epic health care | EMP users.
  2. Select the Epic EMP user account in the result list.
  3. Select Change master data.
  4. On the General tab, select the manage level in the Manage level menu.
  5. Save the changes.
Related Topics

Editing master data for Epic EMP user account


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