
Identity Manager 9.2.1 - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Configuring the synchronization log Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences Copying synchronization projects
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Troubleshooting errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples

System connection properties

The following information about system connections is mappedClosed.

Table 54: System connection properties
Property Description
System connection Default display value for the system connection.

NOTE: If the connection parameters of the connected systemClosed differ from the loaded schema, the schema's display name is also displayed. In this case, the schema must be updated before the synchronization projectClosed can be used.

Configuration Opens a dialog for editing the system connection's general properties and configuring the contents of the synchronization log.
Updating schemas Updates the schema.

The synchronization project is saved before the schema is updated. This allows the existing schema to be reloaded if an error occurs during update.

NOTE: The synchronization is deactivated if the schema of an activated synchronization project is updated. Reactivate the synchronization project to synchronize.

Shrink schema All schema types of the respective schema, which cannot be used in the synchronization project, are deleted from it. You can select schema type to be retained even though they are not used.
Browse Start the Target System Browser.

Use the target system browser to view the target system data/One IdentityClosed Manager database. You can add, change, and delete system objects. You can test virtual schema properties.

The variable set selected in the Synchronization EditorClosed's toolbar is used to connect to the target system.

Edit connection Starts the system connection wizard.

The system connection wizard allows you to edit the connection parameters of the current system connection, for example, if the synchronization serverClosed has changed.

NOTE: Certain connection parameters correspond with the loaded schema. If these connection parameters are changed, the schema must be updated in the synchronization project so that synchronization can be configured and run successfully. This is necessary, for example, if the connection to another One Identity Manager database is established that has a different schema to the connection database.

  • Click Update schema before continuing to edit the synchronization project.

Tasks > Query system information

Displays detailed technical information about the connected system.

The button is only displayed if the system connector provides the relevant information.

Connection parameter Lists all connection parameters. You can define connection parameter values as variables in order to use one synchronization configuration for synchronizing different target systems.
ScopeClosed Specifies whether a scope is defined. You can edit the scope.
SchemaClosed Classes All schema classes are listed in groups of schema types.
Schema browserClosed This displays the target system schema with all its schema types and their properties.

The schema browser is only available in expert mode.

Table 55: General properties of a system connection
Property Description
Schema Name of the schema.

Display name

Schema display name.

Connection is read-only If this option is set, the system connector only has read access to the target system. Write operations are not run, only logged. Changes to objects in the One Identity Manager database are not provisioned in the target system.
Retry count Number of attempts at establishing the connection.
Delay between retries Time delay between retry attempts.
Create synchronization log Specifies whether a synchronization log with detailed information about the synchronization object is created.
Data to log Data to be recorded in the synchronization log.
Detailed information about this topic

Configuring the synchronization log

All the information, tips, warnings, and errors that occur during synchronizationClosed are recorded in the synchronization log. You can configure the type of information to record separately for each system connection and synchronization workflowClosed.

To configure the content of the synchronization log for a system connection

  1. To configure the synchronization log for target system connection, in the Synchronization EditorClosed, select the Configuration > Target systemClosed category.

    - OR -

    To configure the synchronization log for the database connection, in the Synchronization Editor, select the Configuration > One Identity Manager connection category.

  2. In the General section, click Setup.

  3. In the Synchronization log section, set Create synchronization log.

  4. Enable the data to be logged.

    NOTE: Some content generates a particularly large volume of log data. The synchronization log should only contain data required for error analysis and other analyzes.

  5. Click OK.

To configure the content of the synchronization log for a synchronization workflow

  1. In the Synchronization Editor, select the Workflows category.

  2. Select a workflow in the navigation view.

  3. In the General section, click Edit.

  4. Select the Synchronization log tab.

  5. Enable the data to be logged.

    NOTE: Some content generates a particularly large volume of log data. The synchronization log should only contain data required for error analysis and other analyzes.

  6. Click OK.

Synchronization logs are stored for a fixed length of time.

To modify the retention period for synchronization logs

  • In the DesignerClosed, enable the DPR | Journal | LifeTime configuration parameterClosed and enter the maximum retention period.

Detailed information about this topic

Editing the scope

In the general scope, you can specify system objects to be handled by synchronizationClosed. This allows you to limit the number of objects to synchronize. If no general scope is defined, all objects in the connected systemClosed are synchronized.

In the reference scope, you define which system objects are loaded for the reference resolution. If no reference scope is defined, the general scope is also used for the reference resolution.

TIP: If a general scope is defined, but you want all system objects of a target system type to be available, create an empty reference scope. To do this, simply enter the display name of the reference scope. This means that no scope is calculated in the reference resolution.

If the synchronization projectClosed was creating using a default project templateClosed, a scope is defined. You may edit this scope. A scope is not define if the synchronization project was created without a project template.

NOTE: To avoid data inconsistencies, define the same scope in both of the connected systems.
Detailed information about this topic

How to edit a scope

To edit the scope

  1. Edit the system connection properties.

    For more information, see How to edit system connection properties.

  2. Select the ScopeClosed view.
  3. Click Edit scope.

To edit the reference scope

  1. Edit the system connection properties.

    For more information, see How to edit system connection properties.

  2. Select the Scope view.
  3. Click Edit reference scope.

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