Use the
Enterprise Vault page of the SPP web client to create a new enterprise vault entry.
NOTE: You cannot add any credential information, that is, set a new password or TOTP authenticator until the vault entry has been created.
To create an enterprise vault entry
On the
Enterprise Vault page, click
New Entry.
Enter the following values.
Name: Enter a meaningful name for the application or account to access, for example Company X (Twitter).
Account Name: Enter the user name you use to log on for authentication.
URL: Enter the web address of the application or system, for example, Click
Open URL to test the link. You can also
Copy the URL.
Notes: Enter any free form notes that are helpful for you or for the person with whom you may share the password. You can also use Notes for information about an application or system, such as certifications or keys. The limit is 2000 characters.
(Optional) One Identity recommends that you set an expiration date to protect your access.
Select Have the Entry Expire on Date, and in Expires, set an expiration date. You can enter the date, click the
calendar to select a date, or click
Sharing Expires to select a week or month interval.
Click OK.
Use the
Enterprise Vault page of the SPP web client to share your enterprise vault with another user or user group.
To share your enterprise vault with another user or user group
On the
Enterprise Vault page, select an entry to share.
Double-click the entry or click
Edit Entry and navigate to the Sharing tab.
On the Sharing tab, click
New Share.
On the Share Credentials dialog, users and groups are available including their Display Name, Domain, and Email Address.
Select users or user groups. To search for a user or user group, enter a value in the Search text box or click the
icon then make a selection to search by Domain, Display Name, or Email Address. Enter the first letters of the value to display the matches and select the user or user group.
(Optional) Set the sharing end date which must be between one day and one year. In Stop Sharing, enter the date, click the
calendar and select the date, or click
Sharing Expires to select a week or month interval. The secrets will not be available to the user on that date.
Click Save.
To stop sharing your enterprise vault with a single user or user group
On the
Enterprise Vault grid, the Shared column displays true if you are sharing the credential.
Select the vault entry that you want to stop sharing with a single user or user group.
Double-click the entry or click
Edit Entry, and navigate to the Sharing tab.
Select the user or user group that you want to stop sharing with, and click Stop Sharing.
To stop sharing your enterprise vault with all users and user groups
On the
Enterprise Vault grid, the Shared column displays true if you are sharing the credential.
Select the entry that you want to stop sharing.
Stop Sharing. The Stop Sharing dialog displays as a warning.
Click Stop Sharing. This will stop sharing with all users and user groups.
Use the
Enterprise Vault page of the SPP web client to set a password for your enterprise vault.
To set a password for your enterprise vault
On the
Enterprise Vault page, select an entry.
Double-click the entry or click
Edit Entry and navigate to the Secrets tab.
On the Password tile available on this page, click Set.
You can enter a password or automatically generate a password.
NOTE: SPP does not send the generated password anywhere, only stores it. To use the generated password for an account that you added to the enterprise vault, for example, you must copy the password from here and then set it to the account.
Back on the Password tile, you can click
Show to view the password or
Copy to copy the password to your clipboard.
You can also click View Archive to view the password history.
Thirty days of password history display as a default. You can set a date range for displaying password history by selecting From and To values using the
calendar, or clicking 
Date Range to select set time periods for hours, days, months, or All History.
In addition to viewing the Date Changed, you can
Show or
Hide the password or
Copy Password.
Use the
Enterprise Vault page of the SPP web client to set up a TOTP authenticator for your enterprise vault.
To set up a TOTP authenticator
On the
Enterprise Vault page, select an entry.
Double-click the entry or click
Edit Entry and navigate to the Secrets tab.
On the TOTP Authenticator tile available on this page, click Set.
On the Set TOTP Authenticator pane, select one of the following options:
NOTE: After you start the process for setting up a TOTP authenticator, you must connect the authenticator with the account in Safeguard for Privileged Passwords by entering the code(s) sent by the authenticator within a set time limit. One Identity recommends that you have your authenticator ready before beginning this process to avoid having to restart the setup process due to timing out.
QR Code Image: Select this option to connect with the TOTP authenticator using a QR code image file. Click Browse Your Computer to select the QR code image file or drag the QR code image file into the dashed box.
URI or Secret String: Select this option to connect with the TOTP authenticator using the URI string or secret generated by the authenticator. If only a secret is provided, then the process for generating the string will depend on the authenticator itself.
Click Submit.
A Setup Confirmation Code section will appear as soon as the authenticator setup begins and you must start entering the provided code(s) into your authenticator (you can click
Copy to copy the code instead of typing the value). The amount of time you have left before the code becomes invalid and a new code is displayed to the right of the
Copy button.
The number of code(s) required depends on the requirements for the authenticator (for example, AWS requires 2 successive codes be entered, with each code being available for approximately 30 seconds. Only 5 codes will be displayed before the authenticator setup times out and you will need to restart the process.). If you cannot successfully complete the setup, click Remove Authenticator to restart the process.
After you have successfully completed the TOTP authenticator setup, click Done.
Back on the TOTP Authenticator tile, you can click
Show to view the password and the amount of time you have left before the code becomes invalid or
Copy to copy the password to your clipboard.