
Password Manager 5.11 - Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition)

About Password Manager Getting Started Upgrading Password Manager Password Manager Architecture
Password Manager Components and Third-Party Solutions Typical Deployment Scenarios Password Manager in Perimeter Network Management Policy Overview Password Policy Overview reCAPTCHA Overview User Enrollment Process Overview Questions and Answers Policy Overview Data Replication Phone-Based Authentication Service Overview Configuring Management Policy
Management Policies
Checklist: Configuring Password Manager Understanding Management Policies Configuring Access to the Administration Site Configuring Access to the Self-Service Site Configuring Access to the Helpdesk Site Configuring Questions and Answers Policy Workflow overview Custom workflows Custom Activities Self-Service Workflows Helpdesk Workflows User Enforcement Rules
General Settings
General Settings Overview Search and Logon Options Import/Export Configuration Settings Outgoing Mail Servers Diagnostic Logging Scheduled Tasks Web Interface Customization Instance Reinitialization Realm Instances AD LDS Instance Connections Extensibility Features RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication Password Manager components and third-party applications Unregistering users from Password Manager Working with Redistributable Secret Management account Email Templates
Password Policies Enable S2FA for Administrators and Enable S2FA for HelpDesk Users Reporting Appendix A: Accounts Used in Password Manager for AD LDS Appendix B: Open Communication Ports for Password Manager for AD LDS Appendix C: Customization Options Overview Appendix D: Feature imparities between the legacy and the new Self-Service Sites Glossary

Reset Password in AD LDS and Connected Systems

Reset Password in AD LDS and Connected Systems

Using this activity, you can configure Password Manager to use One Identity Quick Connect to reset passwords in connected systems. If used in conjunction with Quick Connect, Password Manager allows you to enable users and helpdesk operators to manage passwords across a wide variety of connected systems. To be able to integrate Password Manager with Quick Connect, you must have a working knowledge of Quick Connect Sync Engine.

To enable Password Manager to set passwords in connected systems through a Quick Connect server, the account used to access Quick Connect must be a member of the local administrators group on the Quick Connect server.

Before you can configure Password Manager to use a Quick Connect server for cross-platform password synchronization, you must do the following in Quick Connect:

  • Create a connection to the AD LDS instances managed by Password Manager.
  • Create connections to the systems you want Password Manager to synchronize passwords with.
  • Map users from the managed AD LDS instances to users in the connected systems.

For more information on how to configure Quick Connect to set passwords in connected systems, see One Identity Quick Connect documentation.

To enable Password Manager for cross-platform password synchronization

  1. Include the Reset password in AD LDS and connected systems activity in a workflow and click the activity to edit its settings.
  2. In the Quick Connect server name text box specify the IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the Quick Connect server.
  3. Select the account to be used to access the Quick Connect server. You can use either Password Manager Service account or specify another account.

You can use either pre-Windows 2000 logon name (such as DomainName\UserName) or User Principal Name (such as UserName@DomainName.com) to specify the user name.

  1. Specify how you want Password Manager to act when the Quick Connect server is unavailable. To do it, select one of the following and click Next:
    • Act as if no Quick Connect server was specified. Helpdesk operators can manage users’ passwords only in AD LDS instances. No warnings are displayed if Quick Connect server is not available.
    • Alert users and allow them to reset passwords only in AD LDS. Helpdesk operators are notified that other connected data sources are temporarily unavailable, and are allowed to continue managing users’ passwords only in AD LDS instances.
    • Do not allow users to reset passwords. Helpdesk operators cannot perform any password management tasks in AD LDS instances and connected data sources, if the Quick Connect server is not available.
  2. From the list of connected systems, select the systems in which you want to manage user passwords. For each selected system, specify the following options and click Next:
  • System alias
  • Reset password in this system independently from AD LDS. Select this option to allow helpdesk operators to reset users’ passwords in a connected system independently from AD LDS. If you select this option, helpdesk operators will be able to enter different passwords for users’ accounts in AD LDS and the connected system.
  • Do not allow resetting password in this system independently from AD LDS. Select this option to prevent helpdesk operators from resetting users’ passwords in a connected system independently from AD LDS. Note, if you select this option, a user’s password will be reset in the connected system only after the password has been successfully reset in AD LDS. If the user’ password is not reset in AD LDS, it will be not reset in the connected system. Helpdesk operators can specify a different password for the connected system, if you select the Allow specifying different password for this system option.
  1. To enforce password history in the AD LDS instances managed by Password Manager, select the Enforce password history check box. Password history determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with a user account before an old password can be reused.

IMPORTANT: Before selecting this option, you should consider the following by-design behavior of Password Manager when that the Enforce password history option is enabled:
  • Password Manager uses two slots from the password history every time a password is reset. For example, if the password history value defines that users cannot reuse any of the last 10 passwords, then Password Manager checks only the last five passwords. Therefore, it is advised that you double the password history value.
  • Having entered a new password that is not policy compliant, users may end up with a randomly generated password they don't know.
  1. Click OK to close the wizard.

Unlock Account

Unlock Account

This activity is a core activity of the Unlock Account workflow. It allows helpdesk operators to unlock users’ accounts using the Helpdesk site.

You do not need to configure any settings for this activity.

Enable Account

Use this activity to enable users’ disabled accounts. You can use the activity in different workflows. It is recommended to place this activity after authentication activities in a workflow.

For example, to enable users with disabled accounts to reset passwords and enable their accounts, you can use the Enable Account activity in the Forgot My Password workflow:

  1. Authenticate user with Q&A profile.
  2. Enable account.
  3. Reset password in AD LDS.
  4. Restart workflow if error occurs.
  5. Email user if workflow succeeds.
  6. Email user if workflow fails.

Force User to Change Password at Next Logon

Force User to Change Password at Next Logon

Use this activity when users want to change their passwords during the next logon.

For example, you can use this activity in the Reset Password workflow and can force users to change passwords at the next logon once the password has been reset by a helpdesk operator.

To allow users to change password at the next logon, the helpdesk operator must select Helpdesk operators can choose whether to force users to change password at next logon check box available in the Force user to change password at next logon activity.

It is recommended to place this activity after the Reset Password in AD LDS activity in a workflow.


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