Battery tab settings control battery status display and support the following management modes: Never, Always.
To show the battery status in the menu bar select the Show battery status in the menu bar option.
Battery tab settings control battery status display and support the following management modes: Never, Always.
To show the battery status in the menu bar select the Show battery status in the menu bar option.
Schedule tab settings control automatic startup and shutdown for macOS workstations and servers; and, support the following management modes: Never, Always.
Schedule Settings allow you to configure managed computers to start up or shutdown according to a specific schedule. For example, you might configure certain computers to sleep on Friday night and wake up early Monday morning.
To force the computer to start up or wake, select the Startup or wake option and set the frequency and the time of day.
To force the computer to shut down or sleep check the box and select either Shutdown or Sleep option from the drop-down then set the frequency and time of day.
Finder is the macOS Window manager and file system browser. Finder Settings allow you to configure the way Finder works.
You can apply Finder Properties settings under both Computer Configuration and User Configuration.
Preferences settings control features and functionality of Finder.
Select items under Show these items on the desktop to display an icon on the user's Desktop for each selected item. Options include: Hard disks, External disks, CDs, DVDs, and iPods, and Connected servers.
For New Finder window shows, set the default view for New Finder windows. To show the user's home directory, select Home. To show the computer view including mounted volumes select Computer.
Additional selections include:
Always open windows in column view: Select to automatically open new windows in column view.
Show warning before emptying the Trash: Select to prompt users to confirm before moving items to the Trash.
Always show file extensions: Select to display file extensions in Finder views.
The Login settings control the appearance and behavior of the macOS login window.
You can apply Login Properties settings under both Computer Configuration and User Configuration. However, the Items tab is only available in Users Configuration.
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