Release Notes
6 January 2020
These release notes provide information about the 6 January 2020 Starling Connect release.
Accessible from the One Identity Starling site (, Starling Connect extends your investment in identity governance beyond on-premises apps to target cloud applications that are used by your partners. Starling Connect builds on One Identity Manager and Active Roles to unify governance, extend access controls, and ensures compliance, to reduce the time taken to provision / de-provision users and groups.
The following updates are released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates are released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following updates were released:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
Citrix ShareFile
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
Atlassian JIRA Confluence
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connector was released and it can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connector was released and it can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
The following Starling connectors were released and they can be used for provisioning or de-provisioning resources:
Facebook Workplace
SAP Cloud Platform
JIRA Server
Issue ID | |
For the SuccessFactors HR connector, the Starling Connect Connectors Administration Guide should have a mapping table for the Target System Object and the corresponding endpoint. |
216825 |
For the SuccessFactors HR connector, based on the performance analysis on the SR, it was found that the Employee Object synchronization is taking many hours due to the duplicate records being returned by the connector while running a synchronization using the One Identity Manager. |
216826 |
Resolved issue |
Issue ID |
For the SuccessFactors HR connector, the Starling Connect Connectors Administration Guide does not show the correct mapping of SCIM schema and target system attributes. | 215770 |
For the SuccessFactors HR connecter, the Target System Browser does not display some columns for the Employee Object. | 216016 |
Resolved issue |
Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connectors for SuccessFactors HR, Error 400 is displayed while browsing BusinessUnits, Companies and Divisions. |
215599 |
The Starling connector is unable to fetch some of the attributes of the Employee object for SuccessFactors HR. |
215600 |
The Coupa connector has been updated to remove the custom attributes new-user and delivery-info-on-user-record from mapping and schema. This is populated based on the custom configuration in the Starling portal while registering the connector. |
184406 |
Resolved issue |
Issue ID |
User update operation fails when the members of Role or Groups has members without the Id field. |
170605 |
Custom logic implemented in Coupa connector to handle the account-security-type attribute. |
170319 |
SuccessFactorsHR Employees are not getting loaded in the target system browser and Synchronization process. |
171916 |
Resolved issue |
Issue ID |
When the Password policy is enabled in the Archer Cloud application, the update operation on the RSA Archer User Object type will fail. |
167633 |
Resolved issue |
Issue ID |
OneIM synchronization process does not get all the Users. It always takes only 500 Users from the Coupa cloud system. |
153550 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID | ||
In Starling Connect Connectors for SuccessFactors, performance enhancement by removing additional calls made during User retrieval. Logging is enabled to log the resource count in trace messages of App Insights.
125091 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID | ||
For the Starling Connect Connector RSA Archer, the ISMS group properties that is leads, leadBackup, and coaches now support multi-value. The schemas for these properties are updated from ‘type’: ‘string’ and ‘multiValued’: false to ‘type’: ‘complex’ and ‘multiValued’: true.
121821 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
Optimized logging capability by excluding 503 error code from being logged as an exception in app insights. | 113284 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connectors for RSA Archer, error 500 is displayed when special characters are used during User Provisioning. | 107843 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connector for RSA Archer, the connector endpoint responses are slow. | 105558 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connector for ServiceNow, the password does not get encrypted. | 103029 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connector for RSA Archer, it is not possible to remove a user from certain groups. | 97716 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
The runtime versions of all the connectors are incorrectly pinned. | 80025 |
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
In Salesforce instances containing huge number of users and groups, Starling Connect – Connectors may log many server exceptions. | 32425 |
On entering wrong credentials, the Salesforce connector fails and error 500 is seen. |
51042 |
The Salesforce TokenManager uses .Result instead of async/await. |
51044 |
The following is a list of issues, including those attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the time of release.
Known issue | Issue ID |
In Starling Connect Connector for Concur, after deleting the user on One Identity Manager, an error message is displayed that the request could not be completed successfully though the user is deleted in the target instance. Note this error does not affect the functionality as the user is already deleted. |
114620 |
In Starling Connect Connector for SAP Cloud Platform, Password Policy must be applied appropriately in One Identity Manager to enable the User Create feature to work successfully. | 51186 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Facebook Workplace, to use a group, the group must contain at least one member. | 51185 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Facebook Workplace, removing the last member of a group deletes the group automatically. |
51170 |
In Starling Connect Connector for JIRA Server, deletion of a group is not allowed. |
51518 |
In Starling Connect Connector for RSA Archer, it is not possible to have multiple log-ins with the same instance. |
53534 |
In Starling Connect Connector for JIRA Server, the Get Specific Group request, that has special characters from the Supervisor returns 404 Not Found error. |
51276 |
When an incorrect SCIM or target URL, such as an invalid cloud instance URL is configured in the Supervisor, the error code 404 and error message Invalid cloud endpoint must be displayed. However, the expected error code and message are not displayed in all the cases. This issue is applicable to all the connectors. |
54659 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Amazon S3 AWS, addition or removal of entitlements for Groups is currently not supported by One Identity Manager. |
79680 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Dropbox, a user is not able to update optional field values to blank values. |
88925 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Dropbox, results are displayed to an end user, even when the startIndex value is greater than the TotalResults. |
88927 |
In Starling Connect Connector for RSA Archer, an error is displayed if an user is created using an incorrect locale value . |
98585 |
In Starling Connect Connector for RSA Archer, when the last pagination request is sent, the next cursor comes up. |
99100 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Insightly, certain Group names are not displayed in the Manager console, in the 7.1.4 version of One Identity Manager. |
102317 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Insightly, an error is returned, in the Target system browser for Groups, in the 8.0.2 version of One Identity Manager, with HF 30426 |
102344 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Egnyte, a successful response is received when the Get User operation is requested, when the Password field is left blank. |
104777 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Egnyte, creation of user fails if a special character is provided in the userName field. |
105413 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Egnyte, the sync fails if the number of groups is more than ten for a trial account. |
105441 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Coupa, Groups and Roles membership operations are not supported in the current release. Support for the feature would be available in the subsequent release. |
125325 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Atlassian JIRA Confluence, the pagination for users is truncated to the first 1000 resources, beyond which the users are not displayed. |
127066 |
In Starling Connect Connector for Atlassian JIRA Confluence, SCIM to UCI synchronization does not have all the user accounts as the email address is not available in the cloud user response. |
In Starling Connect Connector for Coupa, the implementation of Group and Role memberships are User centric operations. This is because the Coupa target system does not provide dedicated APIs to work with Groups and Roles object types. As a work around, the endpoint or client system has to be customized for successful integration of Groups and Roles memberships. |
128542 |
When both the East US and West US App Services are not available, the 500 Internal Server Error, with the message "An Error occurred while sending the request", is displayed. This is because the Cloud application RSA Archer always returns the error message as 500 Internal Server Error. This issue is common for all connectors. |
139480 |
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