To access SSB using the RPC API, the following requirements must be met:
The appliance can be accessed using a RESTful protocol over authenticated HTTPS connections.
The user account used to access SSB via RPC must have Search privilege (which provides access to all logspaces), or must be a member of the groups listed in the Access Control option of the particular logspace. For details on managing user privileges, see Modifying group privileges.
The client application used to access SSB must meet the following criteria:
Support RESTful web APIs over HTTPS
Properly handle complex object types
Include a JSON decoder for interpreting the results of search operations
The documentation of the SSB RPC API is available online from the following URL: https://<ip-address-of-SSB>/api/4/documentation. This documentation contains the detailed description of public calls, with examples. For a quickstart guide, see RPC API Quickstart Guide.
This section describes the tools to detect networking problems, and also how to collect core files and view the system logs of SSB.
To find the SSB appliance in the server room, you can use IPMI to control the front panel and back panel identify lights.
On SSB T4 and SSB T10, navigate to Basic Settings > System > Hardware information > Blink system identification lights.
SSB T1 does not support identify lights. |
To blink the blue LEDs on the front and back of the SSB appliance, click On.
Alternatively, use the command line as follows:
To start the blinking of the blue LEDs on the front and back of the SSB appliance, enter:
ipmitool chassis identify force
To stop the blinking of the blue LEDs on the front and back of the SSB appliance, enter:
ipmitool chassis identify 0