
Virtual Directory Server 6.1 - Virtual Directory Server User Guide


The RAS tool emits logs of its own, where the the verbosity can be configured as seen in the section titled Main Configuration. The (standard) output can be found by default in the admrem/log/admrem.out file. This is a sample of information found in this file:

  [20081107200850]: L_INFO: PTR(6:0xd094df8): checkBasic (187): Valid/
    credentials found on request for user demanager URL(/wras.css).
  [20081107200855]: L_INFO: PTR(6:0xd094df8): checkBasic (187): Valid/
    credentials found on request for user demanager/
  [20081107200855]: L_TRACE: PTR(6:0xd094df8): wras_log_get (939): Starting/
  [20081107200855]: L_PROCESSING: PTR(6:0xd094df8): wras_log_get (959):/
    Managing Configuration (CacheSearchesDesign)
  [20081107200855]: L_PROCESSING: PTR(6:0xd094df8): wras_log_get (965):/
    Reading Log File
  [20081107200855]: L_PROCESSING: PTR(6:0xd094df8): wras_log_get (989): Log/
    File Read
  [20081107200855]: L_TRACE: PTR(6:0xd094df8): wras_log_get (1019): Ready To/
    Display Log Page

In each line you can find the following information:

1- Date and time of the operation, in "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" format

2- Debug level

3- PDU pointer

4- Function that displays the information and line

5- Debug message

The admrem/log/admrem.err file by default stores the standard error output of the process.

It is not usual that the user needs to worry about these files, but it is possible that in order to properly resolve a support issue, the user will be asked to send them to support.

DSGUI Interface

The DSGUI Interface of the Remote Administration Server is a part of the agent process that runs, along with VDS, on a server with the purpose of receiving commands from a DSGUI instance running on another computer. This process effectively makes an instance of VDS manageable by remote DSGUI instances.

DSGUI distinguishes between "local", "sample", and "remote" configurations depending on how the configuration is stored and accessed. These different configuration types are described below:

Local configurations

These are the configurations that are created locally by DSGUI on the same server that is running the DSGUI instance. They are stored in the "Configurations Dir" defined in the Environment Preferences (see Environment Preferences ). By default, this is the "confs" directory inside your VDS installation path.

Sample configurations

These configurations are a set of predefined configurations that have been created to help you understand how the different plugins work, and are installed as part of the VDS product. For DSGUI, they behave like local configurations, but they are stored inside the "samples" directory inside your VDS installation path. Documentation for each Sample is usually found in the accompanying plugin's help file.

Remote configurations

These are configurations that a DSGUI instance manages using a Remote Administration server running on another server. They are physically stored on the filesystem of the remote server where the RAS instance is running. The configuration files can be found inside the directory configured in the "configdir" value of the RAS configuration entry (see the section entitled: Main Configuration ). By default, this directory is also set up as the "confs" directory inside your VDS installation path, so unless you change it, the local configurations created on a server, will be available when accessing that server through the RAS and vice-versa

By and large, you can copy configurations among the different roots managed by a DSGUI instance. Using DSGUI you can copy configurations from your Local or Sample root to any Remote root on any server where a RAS instance is running. Equally, it is possible to copy a configuration from one remote server to another, using DSGUI and RAS, without keeping a "local" copy of the configuration.

How it works

DSGUI and RAS mutually authenticate each other to assure correct protocol implementation. The protocol that RAS and DSGUI uses to communicate makes use of XML over HTTPS. Firewall configurations should allow for TCP connections between the DSGUI instance and the server where RAS is running for the port on which it is listening (usually 9443). The communication channel between DSGUI and RAS must be reliable, or DSGUI may perform very slowly. When managing remote configurations, DSGUI will request that the RAS instance sends a heartbeat within a configured number of milliseconds (the setting for this can be found within DSGUI's Preferences, see Running Preferences ). It is also important to note that additional load will be incurred when monitoring running configurations, as logging data is sent from RAS to DSGUI over the network.

The standard scenario for RAS usage is:

Several servers with VDS configurations

Each server box will have a running RAS instance, properly configured ( How to configure the RAS ). Note that a new VDS installation includes a properly configured RAS instance ready to be run.

A client box with DSGUI

Each RAS instance will need to be configured in DSGUI ( Configuring the GUI to work with a RAS instance ).

From version 4 onwards, all VDS configurations have been standardized to support unified management within DSGUI, independent of the server type, filesystem or operating system. To DSGUI, a configuration is identified by the name and IP address of each RAS instance. For local and sample configurations, the RAS id "" is used, so that all configurations are identified in the same way. Configuration names do not contain file path information, so they are effectively independent of their location on the server box filesystem by design. For further details about configurations please see Configuration Storage in the Filesystem

The following sections will cover how to start working on a remote configuration using DSGUI. A summary of the process follows:

Start RAS

Configure and start RAS on the remote server.


Configure DSGUI's Preferences to access the RAS on the remote server.

Open the remote configuration

Open / Create the remote configuration through DSGUI.

Work with the configuration

From now on, you can work with the remote configuration within this instance of DSGUI.

Limitations and Caveats

  • If the current configuration that you are editing in DSGUI is a RAS monitored configuration under heavy load (or with verbose output), and you request to see its logs, remember that they must be sent across the network, which can generate a lot of traffic.

  • RAS is the only agent process, within VDS, that is allowed to interact with DSGUI. If the RAS of a server is down then DSGUI will not be able to manage configurations for that server. Changes can always be saved locally and, when the RAS is available for a server, the changes can be uploaded to the server in the standard way.

  • Bear in mind that individual DSGUI instances do not communicate among themselves, so all security and checking is handled individually by each DSGUI and RAS instance. For example, it is possible to concurrently edit the same configuration from two DSGUI instances. However, there is no support to coordinate concurrent modifications at the DSGUI level. NEVER edit the same configuration with two instances of DSGUI at the same time. Results are unpredictable.

How to configure the GUI to work with a remote administration server

In order for DSGUI to be able to communicate with a RAS, DSGUI will need to be configured to do so. To configure a new RAS in DSGUI:

Open Preferences

File -> Preferences

Select Admin Server Preferences

In the left navigation panel, select the entry named Admin Server Preferences. A list with the defined Administration Servers will appear in the panel on the right.

Add a new Server

Click the Add button in the panel on the right. A dialog will be presented, prompting you with the details for the RAS instance that you wish to add. The details that you provide here should match the details for the server on which the RAS instance is running, and should use the same username, password and port that you have configured for RAS on the remote server. Note that the default username is "demanager" and the default password is "admin123". Note, also, that you are able to either enter the hostname or the IP address within the Hostname field. Once you have entered all of the required details, you can click on the Test button to check that DSGUI is able to connect to the RAS that you are adding. If your connection was successful, click OK to accept the changes.

You can find a more detailed description on how to work with this panel in Admin Server Preferences

Now that DSGUI has the RAS configured you can open / create / save configurations with this RAS.

It may be useful to know that you do not necessarily need to add the RAS information to this list within your DSGUI Preferences. Instead, when you execute either New, Open or Save As remotely, you are presented with a Server Selection dialog with a combo box that contains the list of defined RAS instances. The last entry of the combobox (New Admin Server) allows you to go directly to a dialog to fill the properties of a new RAS directly.

Operation IDs

This is a basic list with all the Operation IDs that the DSGUI Interface is composed of. Each one is the name of the main XML element sent in the HTTP request to the RAS server, as well as the identifier that appears in the audit files and the name configured in the roles file (see roles.ldif).


Returns directory paths for functionality files storage defined in the configuration file.


Creates a new directory.


Reads the content of a file.


Writes content to a file.


Returns the content of a directory.


Finds out basic information on a given file.


Creates a configuration instance.


Removes a configuration instance and the entire configuration directory.


Reads the main configuration file in a given instance.


Returns the status of a instance (Up or Down)


Starts an instance.


Stops an instance.


Generates a core dump and restarts the instance (for debugging purposes)


Returns the content of a certain log file.

Web Remote Administration Server (WRAS)

Note: The certificate issued for *.vdsdemo.com is self-signed. This means that for some applications, such as the average web-browser, you may receive a warning or error message notifying you that the application does not recognise the CA or that the CA is invalid. Most browsers include a set of certificates from well-known commercial CAs. If you choose to continue to use the bundled certificate, you can choose either to add a security exception in your browser to ignore the missing CA. Or you can import the CA certificate into your browser in your browser preferences. However, we recommend that for production servers you purchase a valid signed certificate from a commercial certificate authority and replace the included certificate.


In addition to the manuals, there is more information about the product available in the Knowledge Base of the Support Portal (https://support.quest.com/quick-connect-virtual-directory-server/kb). In it you can find solutions to many common issues and requirements.

In this chapter you can find a selection of some useful articles, but the Knowledge Base grows every day and it should be tried whenever information about a certain topic cannot be found in the manuals.


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