Using peer group analysis, approval for requests can be granted or denied automatically. This is based on the assumption that employees belonging to the same department, for example, require the same products. So, if a company resource has already been assigned to a majority of employees in a department, a new request for this company resource is automatically approved. This helps to accelerate approval processes.
Peer groups contain all employees with the same manager or belonging to the same primary or secondary department as the request's recipient. Configuration parameters specify which employee belong to the peer group. At least one of the following configuration parameters must be set.
QER | ITShop | PeerGroupAnalysis | IncludeManager: Employees that have the same manager as the request's recipient
QER | ITShop | PeerGroupAnalysis | IncludePrimaryDepartment: Employees that belong to the same primary department as the request's recipient
QER | ITShop | PeerGroupAnalysis | IncludeSecondaryDepartment: Employees whose secondary department corresponds to the primary or secondary department of the request's recipient
The proportion of employees of a peer group who must already own the company resource, is set in the QER | ITShop | PeerGroupAnalysis | ApprovalThreshold configuration parameter.
You can also specify that employees are not permitted to request products from mismatched functional areas, which means, if the requested product and the primary department of the request recipient are from different functional areas, the request should be denied. To include this check in peer group analysis, set the QER | ITShop | PeerGroupAnalysis | CheckCrossfunctionalAssignment configuration parameter.
Requests are automatically approved for fully configured peer group analysis, if both:
If this is not the case, requests are automatically denied. The threshold specifies the ratio of the total number of employees in the peer group to the number of employees in the peer group who already own this product.
To use this functionality, One Identity Manager provides the QER_PersonWantsOrg_Peer group analysis process and the PeergroupAnalysis event. The process is run using an approval step with the EX approval procedure.
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Approvers are able to gather additional information about a request. This ability does not, however, replace granting or denying approval for a request. There is no additional approval step required in the approval workflow to obtain the information.
Approvers can request information in form of a question from anybody. The request is placed on hold for the period of the inquiry. Once the queried employee has supplied the necessary information and the approver has made an approval decision, the request is taken off hold. The approver can recall a pending inquiry at any time. The request is taken off hold. The approver’s request and the employee's answer are recorded in the approval flow and are therefore available to the approver.
NOTE: If the approver who made the query is dropped, hold status is revoked. The queried employee must not answer. The request procedure continues.
For more detailed information, see the One Identity Manager Web Portal User Guide.
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Once an approval level in the approval workflow has been reached, approvers at this level can appoint another employee to handle the approval. To do this, you have the options described below:
Rerouting approvals
The approver appoints another approval level to carry out approvals. To do this, set up a connection to the approval level in the approval workflow to which an approval decision can be rerouted.
Appointing additional approvers
The approver appoints another employee to carry out the approval. The other approver must make an approval decision in addition to the known approvers. To do this, enable the Additional approver possible option in the approval step.
The additional approver can reject the approval and return the requests to the original approver. The original approver is informed about this by email. The original approver can appoint another additional approver.
Delegate approval
The approver appoints another employee with approval. This employee is added to the current approval step as the approver. This employee then makes the approval decision instead of the approver who made the delegation. To do this, enable the Approval can be delegated option in the approval step.
The current approver can reject the approval and return the requests to the original approver. The original approver can withdraw the delegation and delegate a different employee, for example, if the other approver is not available.
Email notifications can be sent to the original approvers and the others.
For more detailed information, see the One Identity Manager Web Portal User Guide.
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