SetTemporaryResponse method
Sets a temporary response on a user's assigned token.
C# syntax
TemporaryResponse SetTemporaryResponse(string userCommonName, string tokenCommonName, int expiryTimeMinutes, bool multipleUse, string userSearchBase, string tokenSearchBase);
- userCommonName Common name of the user to whom the temporary response is to be assigned.
- tokenCommonName Common name of the token to which the temporary response is to be assigned.
- expiryTimeMinutes The time interval, in minutes, during which the temporary response remains valid.
- multipleUse If true, then the temporary response can be used multiple times.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for users.
- tokenSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for tokens.
Return value
A succesful call returns a TemporaryResponse. In the case of an error a Fault is generated.
The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
TestDefenderToken method
Tests a Defender token's response.
C# syntax
DefenderResult TestDefenderToken(string tokenCommonName, string response, string challenge, string tokenSearchBase);
- tokenCommonName Common name of the token to test.
- response The token response.
- challenge The token challenge, not required for synchronous tokens.
- tokenSearchBase Optional parameter to specify the base container in which to search for tokens.
Return value
A valid call results in a DefenderResult. This class provides the following public properties:
- System.Boolean Success Returns whether the test was successful.
- System.String ErrorMessage Returns the error message associated with the test.
In the case of an error a Fault is generated.
The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments is invalid, further details are contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
API types
AssignedSoftwareToken type
Details of an assignment of a software token to a user. If the token was already assigned to the user then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName contains a text message indicating that it was already assigned.
C# syntax
public class AssignedToken
public string UserCommonName { get; set; }
public string TokenCommonName { get; set; }
public string ActivationCode { get; set; }
- UserCommonName Common name of the user to whom the token is assigned.
- TokenCommonName Common name of the assigned token.
- ActivationCode The activation code used to activate the token on the user's device.