int timebetween ( int starttime, int endtime )
The timebetween function returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the current time is between those specified. Use this function to determine whether a user is submitting a request within valid business hours. Times must be specified using the 24-hour clock. Do not use leading zeroes for time specifications, because this will be interpreted in octal. For example, 12:30 am can be 30 or 2430.
If (timebetween(800, 1630)) { proc_working_hours_rules(); } else { proc_outside_working_hours_rules(); }
string tolower ( string expr )
tolower converts all upper case characters in the string to lower case. Leaves all other characters unchanged. The tolower function is frequently used in search and comparison expressions to make them case-insensitive.
The following example accepts user inputs of "adrian", "Adrian", or "ADRIAN" and returns "adrian".
#this returns "adrian" tolower("Adrian");
string toupper( string str )
toupper returns a copy of str with all characters converted to uppercase, if possible. Some characters such as !£$%^& or numbers do not have an uppercase equivalent.
user = "ADRIAN" if ( user == toupper("Adrian")) { accept; } if (tolower(input("User:"))=="adrian") accept;
list uname ()
The uname function returns a list containing the following uname information from the policy server:
print("Master OS is :" + uname());
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