Type string READONLY
event identifies the type of event logged by the policy server process. An event is logged when the policy server accepts or rejects a command.
Possible values are:
This value is saved in the event log and can be viewed using pmlog.
#Display all accepted events from the audit log pmlog –c 'event == "Accept"'
Type string READONLY
exitdate is the date the requested command finished running. This is saved in the event log when the session exits, and can be viewed using pmlog.
#Display all events that finished on 15 january 2009 pmlog -c 'exitdate == "2009/01/15"'
Type string READONLY
exitstatus contains the exit status of the runcommand. This variable is not available for use in the policy file.
#Display all sh commands that failed to complete successfully pmlog –c 'runcommand == "sh" && exitstatus != "Command finished with exit status 0"'
Type string READONLY
exittime is the time the requested command finished running (HH:MM:SS)
#display all commands that finished after 6pm pmlog –c 'exittime > "18:00:00"'
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