Type integer READ/WRITE
Set logstdout to true to enable keystroke logging of stdout output produced during the session. The default value is true.
if (command in {"csh","ksh"}) { iolog_encrypt = true; log_passwords = false; iolog_errmax = 10000; iolog_opmax = 10000; loggroup = "admin"; logstderr = true; logstdout = false; logstdin = true; iolog = mktemp("/var/adm/pm." + user + "." + command + ".XXXXXX"); accept; }
Type string READ/WRITE
notfoundmsg is set to the message that displays if the selected runcommand is not available on the target host.
notfoundmsg = "Command \"" + runcommand + "\" not available.";
Type list READ/WRITE
passprompts contains a list of strings that should be interpreted as password prompts when attempting to exclude passwords from iolog.
passprompts={"Password=", "Enter password"};
Type list READ/WRITE
pmshell_allow contains a list of regular expressions identifying Privilege Manager for Unix shell subcommands that are pre-authorized. The list may contain regular expressions.
This variable is applicable to pmsh, pmcsh, pmksh, and pmbash.
On startup, the Privilege Manager for Unix shell programs load this list. Any shell subcommand entered by the user that matches one of these expressions is pre-authorized, that is, it will be allowed to run locally without any further authorization by pmmasterd, and will not be logged as an event. By default, the list is empty.
pmshell_allow = {"ls","grep"};
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