To install the administrative templates (.admx) on Domain Controller
Login to the Active Directory Domain Controller machine with Administrative Privileges.
Copy Administrative Template Configuration folder from the <CD>/Password Manager/Setup/Tools .
Copy the Administrative Template folder into the Machine from <CD>/Password Manager/Setup/Template.
Double click QPM.AdministrativeTemplateConfiguration.exe from the Administrative Template Configuration folder.
In the Password Manager Administrative Template Configuration window, browse the Administrative Template folder path and verify the path to Policy Definitions.
- Click Execute to run the tool.
- Once the execution is complete, click Exit to close the window.
To install the administrative templates (.admx) on the client computer manually
- Copy the prm_gina.admx file into %windir%\PolicyDefinitions folder directory.
- Copy the prm_gina.adml file into %windir%\PolicyDefinitions\en-us directory.
- Open the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc).
- In the left pane (console tree) of the Local Group Policy Editor, expand Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates.

- You can now see the node One Identity Password Manager appearing automatically.
- The .admx policies applied on the client computer takes priority.
To configure the settings of the administrative templates on the Domain Controller
- Open the Group Policy Management Editor (gpmc.msc).
- Right click the domain node and, then on the short cut menu, click Create a GPO in the domain and Link it here' to link the policy.
- Enter a name to the New GPO, say "OneIdentity".
- Right click the new GPO (OneIdentity) and set Enforced to apply the policy.
- Right click the new GPO (OneIdentity) and select Edit.
- Expand the newly created GPO and perform the following
To view the latest Administrative Template
- Expand the newly created GPO.
Go to Computer Configuration >> Policies.
Expand Administrative Templates: Policy Definitions(ADMX files) retrieved from the central store >> One Identity Password Manager >> Generic Settings.
To update the administrative templates from .adm to .admx on both Domain Controller and Client computer, follow the steps mentioned below
Updating Templates on Domain Controller
Before updating the templates, you must remove the existing .adm templates and then proceed updating the templates.
To remove the administrative templates (.adm) on Domain Controller
- Open the Group Policy Management (gpmc.msc).
- Right click on the GPO you have created and set Enforced to disable.
- Again, right click on the GPO, and on the shortcut menu, click Edit. Group Policy Management Editor opens.
- On the left pane (console tree) of Group Policy Management Editor, expand Computer Configuration\Policies.
- Right-click the Administrative Templates node, and then click Add/Remove Templates.
- In the Add/Remove Templates dialog box, select the prm_gina.admx file and click Remove.
To update the administrative templates (.admx) on Domain Controller
- Copy the Administrative Template Configuration folder from <CD>/Password Manager/Setup/Tools.
- Copy the Administrative Template folder into the Machine from <CD>/Password Manager/Setup/Template.
- Double click QPM.AdministrativeTemplateConfiguration.exe tool.
- Browse the Administrative Template folder path and verify the Path to Policy Definitions.
- Click Execute to run the tool.
- Once the execution is complete, launch the Group Policy Management utility.
- Right click the domain node, then on the shortcut menu, click Create a GPO in the domain and Link it here to link the policy.
- Enter a name to the New GPO, say "OneIdentity".
- Right click the new GPO (OneIdentity) and select Enforced to apply the policy.
- Again, right click the new GPO (OneIdentity) and select Edit.
- Go to Computer Configuration ->Policies ->Expand "Administrative Templates: Policy Definitions (ADMX files) retrieved from the central store" ->Expand "One Identity Password Manager" -> Click on "Generic Settings" to view the newly checked in Administrative Template.
Updating templates on client computer
To remove the administrative templates (.adm) on client computer
- Open the Local Group Policy Management Editor (gpedit.msc).
- Expand Computer Configuration\Policies.
- Right-click the Administrative Templates node, and then on the shortcut menu, click Add/Remove Templates.
- In the Add/Remove Templates dialog box, select the prm_gina.admx file and click Remove.
To update the administrative templates (.admx) on the client computer manually
- Copy the prm_gina.admx file into %windir%\PolicyDefinitions folder directory.
- Copy the prm_gina.adml file into %windir%\PolicyDefinitions\en-us directory.
- Open the Local Group Policy Management Editor (gpedit.msc) and navigate to the Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\One Identity Password Manager directory to see the policy settings.
To remove the administrative templates (.admx) on Domain Controller
Open the Group Policy Management (gpmc.msc).
Right click on the GPO you have created and set Enforced to disable.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\domain name\Policies\PolicyDefinitions path.
- Delete prm_gina.admx file.
- Navigate to the %systemroot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\domain name\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\en-US folder and delete prm_gina.adml file.
To remove the administrative templates (.admx) on the client computer manually
- Navigate to the %windir%\PolicyDefinitions folder directory. Delete the prm_gina.admx file.
Navigate to the %windir%\PolicyDefinitions\en-us folder. Delete the prm_gina.adml file.
- Update the policy.