You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to view the Change History and User Activity for cloud only Azure contacts.
To view the Change History and User Activity of cloud only Azure contacts
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to view the Change History and User Activity for cloud only Azure contacts.
To view the Change History and User Activity of cloud only Azure contacts
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to delete an Azure contact.
To delete an Azure contact
The Azure Contacts page is displayed and lists the Azure contacts available in Azure.
The Azure contacts that are selected are deleted.
Active Roles 7.4.4 introduced support for cloud-only Azure objects: Azure users, guest users and contacts. To support the management of these cloud-only Azure objects, the existing Active Roles policies received the following updates:
The Property Generation and Validation policy now supports specifying object property rules for cloud-only Azure objects. To get started with provisioning cloud-only Azure properties, Active Roles contains a new built-in policy for provisioning cloud-only Azure properties. Find the policy in the following node of the Active Roles MMC console:
Configuration > Policies > Administration > BuiltIn > Azure CloudOnly Policy - Default Rules to Generate Properties
The Group Membership AutoProvisioning policy now supports specifying group membership rules to automatically assign (or unassign) cloud-only Azure users and guest users to (or from) O365 Groups located in the same Azure tenant as the provisioned Azure objects.
In the New Provisioning Policy Wizard of the Active Roles MMC console, the cloud-only Azure objects supported for provisioning are listed in the Object Type Selection > Select Object Type dialog, while the O365 Groups can be selected in the Group Selection > Browse for Container dialog.
Script Execution policies now also support PowerShell and other custom scripts for provisioning cloud-only Azure objects. As part of this change, Active Roles contains a new built-in script module that you can use to configure policies for generating cloud-only Azure user passwords complying with Azure AD password generation policies. This built-in script module is available at the following node of the Active Roles MMC console:
Configuration > Script Modules > BuiltIn > Generate User Password - Azure only
Room mailbox is a type of Exchange Online resource mailbox assigned to a physical location, such as a meeting room. Using room mailboxes that an administrator creates, users can reserve rooms by adding room mailboxes to meeting requests as an attendee or location.
In the Active Roles Web Interface, you can create, manage or delete room mailboxes in Directory Management > Tree> Azure > Resource Mailboxes. Room mailboxes created in the Active Roles Web Interface are synchronized to the Exchange admin center (, where you can find them in Home > Resources.
For more information about room mailboxes, see Manage resource mailboxes in Exchange Online in the Microsoft Exchange Online documentation.
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