Disabling or Enabling Starling 2FA Users from Configuration Centre
Disabling or Enabling Starling 2FA Users from Configuration Center
In case of Starling outage, the Administrator has the privilege to disable Starling users from 2FA in the Web interface by clicking on the Disable Starling 2FA button in Starling 2FA tab in Starling page of Configuration Center.
To re-enable the Starling users to use 2FA again, administrators can click on the Enable Starling 2FA button in Starling 2FA tab in Starling page of Configuration Center.
Managing One Identity Starling Connect
Active Roles provides support to connect to Starling Connect to manage the user provisioning and deprovisioning activities for the registered connectors. Using the Starling Join feature in Active Roles, you can connect to One Identity Starling.
On joining to Starling, the registered connectors for the user are displayed if the Starling Connect subscription exists. If the subscription does not exist, visit the Starling site for Starling Connect subscription. The displayed connectors are available for provisioning or deprovisioning of users or groups through Active Roles.
Viewing Starling Connect settings in Active Roles Configuration Center
The Active Roles Configuration Center enables you to view the Starling Connect settings in order to manage the registered connected systems.
NOTE: Before you view the Starling Connect settings, Active Roles must be joined to One Identity Starling. |
To view the Starling settings
- On the Active Roles Configuration Center, in the left pane, click Starling.
- On the Starling tab, click Join One Identity Starling to join Starling.

NOTE: For more information on extending the Active Roles provisioning and account administration capabilities to your cloud applications, click Learn More in the Starling tab. |
To view the Starling Connectors settings
- On the Active Roles Configuration Center, in the left pane, click Starling.
- Click Starling Connectors tab.
The options specific to the page are displayed. The available options are Connection Settings, Visit Starling Connect Online, Refresh Connectors.
- Click Connection settings to view the current settings.
The Connection Settings wizard displays the current Starling connect settings, such as the Subscription ID, SCIM Client ID, Client secret, and token end point URL. The settings are not editable and the values are populated when you join Starling.
- Click Visit Starling Connect Online to connect to the Starling Connect portal.
The Starling Connect portal displays the registered connectors and enables you to add or remove connectors.

NOTE: In case the connectors are not displayed on the Active Roles Starling Connect page, you can view the registered connectors on the Starling Connect portal. |
- Click Refresh Connectors, to view the latest connectors that are added or removed from the Starling Connect portal.

NOTE:Refresh Connectors refreshes the Starling Connect policy to reflect the latest connector list. |
Create Provisioning policy for Starling Connect
To create a Policy Object for Starling Connect
In the console tree, under Configuration | Policies | Administration, locate and select the folder in which you want to add the Policy Object.
You can create a new folder as follows: Right-click Administration and select New | Container. Similarly, you can create a sub-folder in a folder: Right-click the folder and select New | Container.
Right-click the folder, point to New, and then click Provisioning Policy.
On the Welcome page of the wizard, click Next.
- On the Name and Description page, do the following, and then click Next:
In the Name box, type a name for the Policy Object.
- Under Description, type any optional information about the Policy Object.
On the Policy to Configure page, select Autoprovisioning in SaaS products, and click Next to configure policy settings.
On the Object Type Selection page, click Select.
On the Select Object Type, from the Object types list, select User or Group, and click OK.
Click Next.
On the Policy Conditions page, from the Starling Connect Connectors list, select the connectors to be provisioned for the user or group as part of the policy. Click Next.
On the Enforce Policy page, you can specify the containers on which this Policy Object is to be applied:
Click Add, and use the Select Objects to locate and select the objects you want.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
IMPORTANT: Starling Connect policy have to be applied on the container for any SaaS operations to take place.
SaaS operations for each connector may vary from each other. Each connector may have a set of mandatory attributes to perform any operation.
The operation will fail in case any of the mandatory attributes are missing in the particular request. The notification will report the information of all the mandatory attributes missing in that event which caused the failure.
In that case, you must create the corresponding virtual attributes, customize the Web Interface to enter the value for the virtual attribute during the specified operation. Using this approach, the attribute value is passed as a part of the request. |