If application entitlements that are assigned to an application, are not required anymore, you can remove them from the application at anytime.
NOTE: If a application entitlements has already been published, it is unpublished at the same time and requests associated with it are canceled.
To unassign an application entitlement
In the menu bar, click Data administration > Applications.
On the Applications page, click the application from which you want to remove an assignment.
On the application overview page, click the Application entitlements tab.
On the Application entitlements tab, select the check box in front of the application entitlements you want to publish.
TIP: To select all the application entitlements listed, select the check box at the top of the list.
Click Unassign.
In the Unassign Application Entitlement dialog, click Unassign.
To add additional data to application entitlements, you can edit them at anytime. For example, you can specify request properties, tags, product supervisors or request approvers.
To edit an application entitlement
In the menu bar, click Data administration > Applications.
On the Applications page, click the application that is assigned the application entitlement you want to edit.
On the application overview page, click the Application entitlements tab.
On the Application entitlements tab, click the application entitlement you want to edit.
On the right-hand side, click
(Expand), to expand the details pane.
In the details pane, in the appropriate fields, change the application entitlement data:
Display name: Enter a name for the application entitlement.
Description: Enter a description of the application entitlement. For example, enter here what the application entitlement is used for.
Tags: Enter keywords for the application entitlement and press the Enter key.
Use tags to find products faster in the Web Portal search. In this way, you can find products not just with their names but by using other keywords.
Product owner: Select an application role. The members of this application role can edit the main data of the application entitlement and be used as approvers in approval procedures for application entitlement requests.
If no product owner is assigned, the product owner of the assigned service category is determined by template.
Additional approver: Members of this application role or business role can make approval decisions about this application entitlement request (if the BE - Application approvers approval procedure and/or the BA - Application owners approval procedure is used).
Perform the following actions:
Click Assign/Change.
In the dialog window, enable the Application role or the Business role.
Click Assign next to the application role or business role.
Approval policy: Select the approval policy for determining the approvers if a application entitlement is requested.
Terms of use: Select the terms of use that apply to this system entitlement or system role.
Terms of use that explain conditions of use for a product can be stored for individual service items (for example, software license conditions). When someone requests this product, the requester, and request recipient must accept the terms of use before the request can be finalized.
Request property: Select the request properties of the application entitlement. If you do not select any request properties, the request properties of the associated service category are used.
Requests can be given additional information though product-specific request properties such as the specific details of a product, its size, or color. A request property gathers all additional features together that can be given when requesting a product.
Web page: Enter the URL under which you can find more information about the application entitlement. Use the following format: https://www.example.com or http://www.example.com.
- Approval by multi-factor authentication: Check this box to specify that approvals of requests of this application entitlement require multi-factor authentication (such as Starling 2FA).
Click Save.
To make applications' application entitlements available for requesting in the Web Portal, you must publish them.
You can assign more application entitlements to a published application at anytime and publish them.
For more information, see Publishing status of applications.
TIP: If you want to publish application entitlements on a specific date for applications that are not published yet, continue as described below. Ensure that the application is published by this time as well.
NOTE: Application entitlements that are already published although the application is not published yet, are labeled respectively.
NOTE: If the application has not been assigned a shop, you cannot publish the application entitlements. To assign a shop to an application, edit the application and assign the corresponding shop (see Editing applications).
To publish an application entitlement
In the menu bar, click Data administration > Applications.
On the Applications page, click the application whose application entitlement you want to publish.
On the application overview page, click the Application entitlements tab.
On the Application Permissions tab, select the check box in front of the application entitlements you want to publish.
TIP: To select all the application entitlements listed, select the check box at the top of the list.
Click Publish.
In the Publish Application Entitlement dialog, do one of the following:
- To publish an application entitlement immediately, enable the Now option.
- To publish the application entitlement later, enable the Later option, click
(Calendar) and select a publishing date.
Click Publish.
To prevent applications' application entitlements from being requested, you can unpublish application entitlements at anytime.
Application entitlements that have already been assigned or requested stay the same.
To unpublish an application entitlement
In the menu bar, click Data administration > Applications.
On the Applications page, click the application that you want to unpublish.
On the application overview page, click the Application entitlements tab.
On the Application entitlements tab, select the check box in front of the application entitlement you want to unpublish.
TIP: To select all the application entitlements listed, select the check box at the top of the list.
Click Unpublish.
In the Unpublish Application Entitlement dialog, click Unpublish.