Active Roles Diagnostic Tools
The Active Roles Diagnostic Tools package provides optional tools for checking system requirements, logs and changes in your Active Directory domain. The package contains the following tools:
System Checker: Checks your computer, SQL Server, and Active Directory domains to see if you are ready to deploy Active Roles. For more information on using the tool, see Using the System Checker.
Log Viewer: Examines Active Roles diagnostic logs and event logs, and helps finding Knowledge Base Articles that may help you resolve errors.
Directory Changes Monitor: Gets the statistics of directory change operations that occurred in a particular Active Directory domain.
For more information on installing the Active Roles Diagnostic Tools package, see Steps to install Diagnostic Tools in the Active Roles Quick Start Guide.
To check if a computer and your organization environment supports installing Active Roles, use the Active Roles System Checker tool.
To check system readiness with Active Roles System Checker
From your operating system, launch Active Roles System Checker.
Select Computer > System Readiness Checks.
To check the computer specifications, in the Confirm System Readiness Checks window, select the appropriate components to check for and click Check.
In the System Readiness Checks window, review the summary and confirm that the computer has passed the required checks. Take appropriate action before installing Active Roles. For example, if there is a warning about insufficient memory (RAM), then upgrade the computer's memory to the recommended amount.
To check the SQL Server requirements of Active Roles, in the Active Roles System Checker, select Environment > SQL Server Checks.
Enter the SQL Server name and appropriate credentials for the Active Roles service account, then click Check.
Review the summary to confirm that the SQL Server passed the checks.
To check the Active Directory requirements, in the Active Roles System Checker, select Environment > Active Directory Checks. Enter the domain controller (DC) name and the appropriate credentials for the Active Roles service account, then click Check.
A progress window appears. Once the check completes, System Checker shows the summary.
Review the summary to confirm the account has adequate permissions in Active Directory.
To learn more about Active Roles. click Additional Resources. To finish the check, click Finish.
You can run the Active Roles Log Viewer application from the Start menu or from the Apps page, depending on the version of your Windows operating system. Alternatively, you can also start the application by navigating to its .exe file in the installation folder:
\Active Roles Diagnostic Tools\Log Viewer\arlogviewer.exe
To open a log in Log Viewer
In the Active Roles Log Viewer application, click Open.
Browse to the diagnostic log file or saved event log file you want to open.
Select the file, and click Open.
By default, Log Viewer displays a list of errors encountered by the Administration Service and recorded in the log file. To analyze these errors further, and look for information about them, right-click an error in the list, then click Look for solution in Knowledge Base. Log Viewer then searches the One Identity Knowledge Base to list the Knowledge Base Articles related to the error you selected.
Additional tasks in Log Viewer
Besides opening and troubleshooting logs, you can also perform the following tasks in Log Viewer:
To view a list of requests processed by the Administration Service and traced in the log file, click Requests in the View area on the Log Viewer toolbar.
To view all trace records found in the diagnostic log file or all events found in the event log file, click Raw log records in the View area on the Log Viewer toolbar.
To search the list for a particular text string, such as an error message, type the text string in the Search box on the Log Viewer toolbar, then press Enter.
To narrow the set of list items to those you are interested in, click Filter on the Log Viewer toolbar and specify the desired filter conditions.
To view detailed information about an error, request, trace record or event, right-click the corresponding list item, and click Details.
To view all trace records that apply to a given request, right-click the corresponding item in the Requests list and click Stack trace.
NOTE: Stack tracing is not available for event log files.
To view the request that caused a given error, right-click the error in the Errors list and click Related request. This task is unavailable in case of an event log file.
NOTE: Stack tracing is not available for event log files.
To view all trace records that apply to the request that caused a given error, right-click the error in the Errors list and click Stack trace for related request. This task is unavailable in case of an event log file.
Log file size
The logs grow in size quickly. Therefore, One Identity recommends to enable logging only when attempting to reproduce an issue, and disable it immediately once reproduction is successful.
The log file captures every activity performed by the service, including the tasks performed by connected users while debug logging is enabled.
TIP: Sometimes, you may need to keep logging enabled for an extended period of time. As the log files are stored on the computer running Active Roles, the logging service requires a substantial amount of free space, which may not be available on the system.
In such cases, to save disk space, set logging to a specific interval and move the logs to another drive or network share. For more information, see Knowledge Base Article How to automate Active Roles debug logging in the One Identity support portal.
Web Interface logs
The Active Roles Web Interface component uses separate log files, named after the configured Web Interface sites. The logs are stored in the following location:
C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\8.1.2\Web\Public\Log
TIP: Similarly to the ds.log file, the Web Interface log can grow quickly in size. Therefore, One Identity recommends enabling Web Interface logging only when reproducing an issue.
Active Roles Directory Changes Monitor is a command-line tool.
To run Directory Changes Monitor
Open the Windows command prompt.
Navigate to the folder where Directory Changes Monitor is installed.
Run the tool with the appropriate parameters.
TIP: To list the available parameters, run the following command:
dirchangesmon.exe /?
NOTE: Directory Changes Monitor has a single required parameter, /TargetDC, specifying the Domain Controller (DC) of the Active Directory domain from which to get directory change statistics. To retrieve information from a domain, make sure to run Directory Changes Monitor with a domain user account of that domain, or from a trusted domain.