Several default functions are available to help you create hyperlinks. You can use the functions directly when you add a hyperlink in the mail body of a mail definition or in processes
Direct function input
You can reference a function when you add a hyperlink in the Address field of the Hyperlink context menu.
Default functions for requests
The VI_BuildAttestationLinks script contains a collection of default functions for composing hyperlinks to directly grant or deny approval of requests from email notifications.
Function |
Usage |
VI_BuildAttestationLink_Show |
Opens the attestation page in the Web Portal. |
VI_BuildAttestationLink_Approve |
Approves an attestation and opens the attestation page in the Web Portal. |
VI_BuildAttestationLink_Deny |
Denies an attestation and opens the attestation page in the Web Portal. |
VI_BuildAttestationLink_AnswerQuestion |
Opens the page for answering a question in the Web Portal. |
VI_BuildAttestationLink_Pending |
Opens the page with pending attestations in the Web Portal. |