The External User ID can be set either by letting Epic autogenerate the ID or the customer can manually set the ID.
If the ID needs to be autogenerated by Epic, then a temporary unique id of the format OneIM_Autogenerated_GUID is automatically created on Epic EMP user account creation. The connector reads the ID and checks if it is an auto generated string of the format OneIM_Autogenerated_GUID. If that is the case, it lets Epic generate the ID for the Epic EMP user. The Epic generated ID is then resynched back in to OneIM.
If the Epic Admin needs to enter the ID manually on user creation, admin can disable the UserExternalID column's value template that generates the unique id in the designer. The admin can then manually set the ID on Epic EMP user creation.
Epic EMP template determines the access rights that a user has on an Epic System. The list of Epic EMP template are exported from the target system to the file EMPTemplate.csv.
Epic EMP template is loaded into the One Identity Manager by synchronization. You can assign and remove Epic EMP template from an user in One Identity Manager. However, you cannot edit the Epic EMP template in One Identity Manager.
To add Epic EMP template to a user, you can assign the Epic EMP template directly to the users. Or it can be added indirectly to departments, cost centers, location, business roles, or to the IT Shop.
After an Epic EMP template is assigned to a user, the following additional optional properties can be assigned to the Epic EMP template.
To add EMPTemplate to an user, you can assign the EMPTemplate directly to the users. Or it can be added indirectly to departments, cost centers, location, business roles, or to the IT Shop.
After an EMPTemplate is assigned to an user, the following additional optional properties can be assigned to the EMPTemplate.
Table 27: Additional optional properties that can be assigned to the Epic EMP template
Property |
Description |
LoginType |
The applications for which this template should be applied automatically. |
StartDate |
The date from which the user should begin to have access to this template. |
EndDate |
The date after which the user should no longer have access to this template. |
Format of the CSV file EMPTemplate.csv
The CSV file EMPTemplate.csv has a specific format with the columns TemplateID and TemplateName.
The columns in the EMPTemplate.csv file are
Table 28: Columns in the EMPTemplate.csv file
Column name |
Description |
TemplateID |
Epic EMP template’s External ID
Only ExternalID should be used. |
TemplateName |
Describes the Epic EMP Template name |
- If the TemplateName or TemplateID field has comma (,), it must be properly escaped with double quotes.
- Sample Epic EMP template report can be found in the EPC module’s Miscellaneous folder.
Epic EMP template is loaded into the One Identity Manager by synchronization.
The CSV file allows you to
To edit the Epic EMP template
- In EMPTemplate.csv, modify the rows.
- In the Synchronization Editor, run the Synchronization project.
- Epic EMP template data will be synchronized based on the operation performed on the EMPTemplate.csv.
Epic EMP template can be assigned directly or indirectly to Epic EMP user. For indirect assignment, identities are assigned to hierarchical roles, such as, departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles.
Prerequisite for the indirect assignment of Epic EMP template to the identities.
- Assignment of Epic EMP template is permitted for role classes (departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles).
- Epic EMP user accounts are marked with the Epic EMP template can be inherited option.
Epic EMP template can also be assigned to Epic EMP user using IT shop.