
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Configuration Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager software architecture Customizing the One Identity Manager default configuration Customizing the One Identity Manager base configuration One Identity Manager schema basics Editing the user interface
Object definitions for the user interface User interface navigation Forms for the user interface Statistics in One Identity Manager Extending the Launchpad Task definitions for the user interface Applications for configuring the user interface Icons and images for configuring the user interface Using predefined database queries
Localization in One Identity Manager Process orchestration in One Identity Manager
Setting up Job servers Configuring the One Identity Manager Service Handling processes in One Identity Manager
Tracking changes with process monitoring Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions Scripts in One Identity Manager
Using scripts Notes on message output Notes on using date values Using dollar ($) notation Using base objects Calling functions Pre-scripts for use in processes and process steps Using session services Using #LD-notation Script library Support for processing of scripts in Script Editor Creating and editing scripts in the Script Editor Copying scripts in the Script Editor Testing scripts in the Script Editor Testing script compilation in the Script Editor Overriding scripts Permissions for executing scripts Editing and testing script code with the System Debugger Extended debugging in the Object Browser
Reports in One Identity Manager Adding custom tables or columns to the One Identity Manager schema Web service integration SOAP Web Service One Identity Manager as SPML provisioning service provider Processing DBQueue tasks One Identity Manager Service configuration files

Editing configuration parameters

The configuration parameters supplied and their permitted values are maintained by the schema installation. You cannot edit the properties of these parameters. You can set or unset them and specify the actual value for the parameter. Other properties of predefined configuration parameters cannot be edited. Changing a configuration parameter can result in calculations for the DBQueue Processor.

To edit configuration parameters

  1. In the Designer, select the Base data | General | Configuration parameters category.

  2. Select the configuration parameter in the Configuration Parameter Editor.

  3. In the Configuration parameter view, select the Properties tab.

  4. Customize the following settings.

    • Enabled: Specifies whether the configuration parameter is set. To set the configuration parameter, check the box. To unset the configuration parameter, uncheck the box.

    • Value: Value of the configuration parameter.

IMPORTANT: Compile the database if the configuration parameter is preprocessor relevant.

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Creating custom configuration parameters

If it is necessary to define other custom configuration parameters, you can add them below the Custom configuration parameter.

To set up a new configuration parameter

  1. In the Designer, select the Base data | General | Configuration parameters category.

  2. Select the Custom configuration parameter and use the Insert context menu to insert a new configuration parameter.

  3. In the Configuration parameter view on the Properties tab, edit the master data of the configuration parameter.

  4. Specify permitted values on the options tab (optional).

    • To create a new option, click Insert.

    • To deleted and option, click Delete.

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Configuration parameter properties

Table 10: Configuration parameter properties
Property Description

Full name

Full name of the configuration parameter. This consists of the name of the parameter and the name of the parent parameter.


Technical name of the configuration parameter.

Display name

The display name supplies the caption for the configuration parameter. The display names can be stored as language-dependent.

NOTE: To show the display names in Configuration Parameter Editor, select the Configuration parameter | Show captions menu item.

Configuration parameters that do not have a display name are displayed in brackets (<<>>) in this mode. In addition, a tooltip with the technical name is displayed.

Sort order

The sort order affects how the configuration parameters are ordered in the Configuration Parameter Editor.

NOTE: The sort order is only effective if the display names are displayed in Configuration Parameter Editor.


Value of the configuration parameter. You must enter a value for every configuration parameter. Even parent configuration parameters that serve no purpose other than providing a structure must not be empty, otherwise the child configuration parameters cannot be accessed. Some configuration parameters have several permitted values. These are specified using the configuration parameter options and can be selected here. A description of the selected option is also shown.


Description of the configuration parameter. Click Edit to edit the description.


Specifies whether the configuration parameter is enabled. If this option is set, the configuration parameter is enabled. If this option is not set, then the whole tree from this point on is considered disabled and the configuration parameter and its child parameters are considered not to exist.


Configuration parameters are marked with this option when they contain encrypted data, for example, passwords. When a new value is entered it is therefore encrypted immediately.

Preprocessor relevant parameter

This option marked configuration parameters as preprocessor relevant. A preprocessor statement is entered in the associated option field that is used for conditional compiling.

NOTE: When a preprocessor relevant configuration parameter is set it is valid globally across the system. The preprocessor condition does not come into effect until the database has been compiled. Every time a preprocessor relevant configuration parameter or its option is changed the database needs to be recompiled.

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Configuration parameter options

If a configuration parameter only permits certain values, these values are defined in the configuration parameter options.

Table 11: Option properties
Property Description


Value permitted for the configuration parameter.


Description of the configuration parameter option.

Preprocessor expression

Preprocessor relevant configuration parameters as assigned a valid preprocessor expression in the options. This can be used as a preprocessor condition for conditional compiling.

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